Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Robert Gates Seeking a Compromise On Iraq?

If true, it will be an even worse deal that what we currently have. As I have been stating on this blog, the plan is to keep troops in Iraq indefinitely. Apparently permanent occupation is the trade-off that Bush & Co. is hoping to get from Congress in exchange for a troop "reduction". Will Congress be weak enough to take the bait? It's too early to say...but their track record on standing up to Bush & Co. is not a good one.

Meanwhile, Crooks and Liars highlights what the real interests are in Iraq for this administration... Bush & Co. cronies are positioned to strike gold from Iraq's privatization plan.


rikyrah said...

Thanks for the internet. So that we can spread the word quicker. So, thanks for the Crooks and Liars link.

rikyrah said...

Keith Olbermann did a terrific Special Comment tonight. He rocked.

Brian said...

We think alike... i'm already working on K.O.