While campaigning in Iowa on July 4th, Hillary Clinton loudly proclaimed the following regarding the question of Iraq:
"If this President (Bush) will not end our involvement in Iraq - when I become President- I will".
But is Hillary telling the truth? Unfortunately not. She was lying through her teeth in Iowa. I'm surprised that her pants didn't catch on fire! In fact, none of the main candidates are being honest with the American people on the issue of a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. They know that plans call for a long-term, "enduring" U.S. troop presence in Iraq. Hillary Clinton herself even acknowledged that she was a liar on this issue.
As I noted in a blog entry a few weeks ago, (and as Ted Koppel points out in a great NPR piece) Hillary knows full well that U.S. troops will likely be in Iraq long term (for decades). She is pulling the heart strings of the American people with these continuous
These candidates (Republican and Democrat) and members of Congress are not leveling with the public on the issue of a withdrawal. They keep talking about ending our involvement in Iraq, in order to get votes, when they know the long term plans say otherwise.
The same way that they took advantage of public ignorance to get us into Iraq, is the same way that they are taking advantage of public ignorance to stay there, but then boldly lie to the people about pulling American troops out. And Americans are swallowing this lie hook, line and sinker. The way that Americans are just accepting it is more troubling than the lie itself.
When will Hillary (or any of the other candidates) decide to begin telling the American people the truth?
Keep in mind... Koppel stated that Hillary was careful with her words in his June 11th piece. Suggesting that she didn't expect all troops to be withdrawn under her leadership. But fast forward to her July 4th statement in Iowa (qouted above), and you can see that she said "ending our involvement", which to me means withdrawing all of our forces and ending the war. Listen to the Koppel piece again. Her Iowa proclamation was clearly a bold faced lie. She didn't play with her words. When will someone in the mainstream media gather up enough courage to call her on it? I know that members of the mainstream press are spineless.... but there has to be one among them somewhere who can step up to the plate.
This blog entry has been cross-posted at the Daily Kos.
Of course I was accused by the pro-Hillary crowd of trying to do a "hit job" on their candidate.
When I did no such thing. Of course they refused to check the Ted Koppel piece before they began foaming at the mouth.
I am going to bring this issue back up on Daily Kos.... and I am going to keep doing it periodically until she decides to fess up & level with the American people....or until after the elections...whichever comes first.
Are you willing to accept the consequences of us pulling out of Iraq?
I have to ask. I am. I am ready for them to have their unfettered Civil War. Is it out fault? Yes. But, the guilt about that isn't enough for me to want our troops to remain there.
And, if it turns into a regional conflict, then so be it too. I hate to be so cold about this, but this isn't worth our troops being killed.
The U.S. has already made Iraq into a disaster. Staying is only delaying whatever civil conflict may come. Iraq is one of the more complicated foreign policy challenges that the country has ever faced.... at a time when we don't have people in charge who really have a clue of what's going on.
I believe that Iraq is a quagmire... there are really no good options here. Yes, pulling out would pose a problem, as would staying. I personally don't support a 100% immediate pullout. I would support a phased pullout over a period of 2-3 years (as a goal).... during that time, we should triple the training of Iraqis, give them the equipment they need to protect themselves (which the U.S. has not been doing btw...this is something that the MSM has not talked about. They are afraid that the equipment would be used for a civil war. This is why the U.S. won't and can't leave.), continue to provide air support until they can take care of it on their own, and continue to help build their economy. But it's a little hard to build an economy when Iraqi households get 1-2 hours of electricity a day. If you get more than 2 hours of electricity, you are considered lucky. Approximately 100 bodies a day are picked up across Iraq.... victims of murder, torture, beheadings, etc. Hard for any positive growth to come out of that climate.
But the U.S. should do what it can to give Iraq its best shot at making something work. Then if it doesn't work out, we can say... we made a valiant effort, but it just wasn't meant to be.
What is upsetting to me, is how these candidates (Republican and Democrat) and members of Congress are not leveling with the public on the issue of a withdrawal. They keep talking about ending our involvement in Iraq, in order to get votes, when they know the long term plans say otherwise.
The same way that they took advantage of public ignorance to get us into Iraq, is the same way that they are taking advantage of public ignorance to stay there, but boldly lie to the people about pulling American troops out.
Some mornings, I wake up and see this thing like Rikyrah. And there are other days that I wake up and see it as AI outlined it above. This is certainly an awful mess we're in.
All I can really think to do is pray. Because thinking about it gives me a head and a heart ache.
Hummmmm - November 2008
Democrat Presidential Candidate - Hillary Clinton
Republican Presidential Candidate - (it doesn't matter)
I wonder who the "Hillary Is A Liar" folks are going to vote for?
Angry Independent:
Did you see the recent words from the #2 man in Al Queda? (Ayman al-Zawahiri)
He stated that his fight against the infidels is in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somolia.
Question - While YOU believe that it was Bush's "illegal" invasion that provoked these people (some still believe that Iraq is not 'the War on Terrorism') into action? Do YOU believe that Al Queda will pull out of Iraq once the "American oppressors" depart?
Constructive Feedback stated:
"Question - While YOU believe that it was Bush's "illegal" invasion that provoked these people"
When did I ever say this? Are you familiar with my writings... are you even familiar with the Middle East???? Because I know the above to be partially false and inaccurate. Yes... the invasion was an illegal, ill-informed misadventure. But it was not the provocation of "those people" (I assume you are referring to Al Qaeda). Although the U.S. presence is largely responsible for triggering the violence... I never stated that this was the primary provocation for Al Qaeda. The seeds for Al Qaeda were planted long before Iraq....
You should have used the word "attracted" or "attracted these people to Iraq to fight", etc. Now THAT would be accurate. But not "provoked"...
I'll address your question when you clear this up.
Just admit that I never stated that...(and please stop putting words in my mouth...and thoughts in my head).
Then I will move on and answer your question.
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