Thursday, July 12, 2007

Bush Picks Black General to Lead Africa Operations

Hat tip: The Field Negro

Bush Picks Black General to Lead Africa Operations

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday nominated Army Gen. William Ward, the highest ranking black in the U.S. military, to lead the new Africa Command and coordinate military operations on the continent.

Bush's decision in February to create Africa Command came after months of discussion inside the Pentagon and reflected increasing U.S. strategic interest in the continent and worry that Islamic militants were finding safe haven there.

I know...I know...

...why pick the only BLACK active Four-Star General for the Africa post.

But, like it or not, this is his assignment, and it's not a mild assignment either. Africa IS going to be, if it isn't already, a place of more than mild interest for the USA.


1. China
2. Terrorism
3. Oil

You can shuffle the order of this list anyway you like, but these are the three main reasons that Africa will finally be on the American radar screen. The next American President will have to deal with Africa because of these issues.

So, I wish the General good luck. This assignment is not going to be cushy in the least.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Here are my comments on this from a few months back (although I believe this was before the commander was announced).