I missed the
I heard nothing about fundamental change or a radically new direction, regarding ANY issue, especially regarding American foreign policy. Instead I saw another Republicrat orgy by the Party of the Jack Ass (the Donkey as the symbol for the Republicrats is so appropriate).
For the most part I heard the Republicrats bickering back and forth, arguing about who could be the best Republican President for the Country. They were literally arguing about who would be the most pro-war President. It essentially became a discussion about who would do a better job of maintaining the American Empire... particularly the U.S. position as the Worlds Policeman.... as if that is what we need. They showed me (really confirmed) that they didn't have much of a clue. American Hegemony was not seen as a problem by any of the top candidates....instead, it was embraced by the candidates as one of the top values and policies that they would pursue as President. In other words, we can expect more Bush Administration Bull---t with any of these clowns in office. The Democrats are no less murderous and irresponsible than the Republicans, when it comes to foreign policy. In fact, they have often been worse than Republicans. This is one of the big reasons why I call them the Republicrats. There is little difference between the Parties when it comes to foreign policy. We are essentially a country with a one-party system. Alternative foreign policies are really not allowed to exist in the U.S. system.
Even John Edwards was heard repeating the Republican slogan- "I will hunt down those terrorists... no matter where they are". It was as if the Jack Asses were reading from a script written by one of the Bush & Co. speech writers. I am already sick and tired of the Democratic Candidates.... They are all so mediocre to me... and with the exception of perhaps Kusinich... they don't stand for much of anything. And I am really starting to wonder if Edwards knows what the hell he is talking about in terms of foreign policy. I have never heard this man articulate his own thoughts on any foreign policy issue. When dealing with foreign policy questions, he always repeats what has been reported on CNN or what some other politician has stated on an issue. Can he think for himself? Does he really have the foreign policy knowledge necessary to be President?
They spent most of their time trying to convince viewers who could be the most Republican...and the most pro-war. Hell... if it were not for Gravel and Kusinich being on that stage last night, it would have been difficult to distinguish this debate from a Republican one.
These people are basically competing for an opportunity to be in charge of running a giant system or machine (the machine being the USA)....rather than competing to change the system. In other words, the USA is like a corporation that can basically run itself... with or without figurehead "leaders". And all of the candidates from last nights Republicrat Debate appeared to be classic figureheads. Vowing to maintain America's current downward course, rather than completely building a new ship and going on a new more productive and more responsible course. We might as well not have an election ceremony with these people as the candidates. We could keep Bush & Co. until 2012 and the policies would not be radically different from what they plan to give us.
And all of this talk about Iraq is a bunch of bull---t that the Republicrats are throwing around to confuse the American people (who often don't know any better). None of these Jack Asses would pull troops out of Iraq completely (with the exception of the two who I mentioned...who have no chance to win an election). This is why the U.S. has been building long term bases in Iraq from the beginning of this mess....and the Joint Chiefs Chairman and Secretary of Defense just stated last week that the U.S. would likely be in Iraq for decades. This was the plan all along and will continue to be the plan, no matter what Party takes the White House in 2008. So the Democrats should stop telling lies.... They support the same pro-war policies that the Republicans support....and they have for a very long time. They are just hoping that the American public won't see through their nonsense. These spineless ________ lie everytime they open their mouths about Iraq.
I would love to be the producer on my own series of "Survivor". If they told me... Angry Independent...here is a budget, and you can write any scenario that you could imagine. I would proceed to rounding up all of these bastards competing for the White House (Republicans and Democrats)....and I would start filming "Survivor Iraq". I would drop-off all 19 of these folks in the middle of nowhere...probably somewhere in or around Baghdad or Anbar province. They would not be allowed to leave the Sunni Triangle....that would be the boundary. I would have a crew follow them with a camera for the next several weeks. This would not be the same as the regular Survivor series where you are voted off by your peers...no no...that's too easy. In my series they would really have to survive. They would have to dodge the insurgents, the various terrorists, the kidnappers, the corrupt Iraqi Army, the Mahdi Militia, Roadside bombs, they would have to find work (with an unemployment rate of about 40% in Iraq) and buy their own food, dodge the car bombs, and the snipers. It would be interesting to see these assholes fight to make it. I wonder who would be standing after 6 months or a year. THAT would be a show to watch. In fact, a show like that would break all global viewing records...as the entire world (those who are able) would be glued to their TV's. Biden and Clinton would probably not make it through the first episode.
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