A quick bio from Rikyrah herself:
I'm Rikyrah. Thirtysomething from the midwest (Chicago). I graduated with a degree in Political Science, & later went back to school to get an MBA. I spent five years working in inner city schools - on the business end. Got out of it because it deflated my spirit. I now work in finance. I enjoy reading, movies, television, nearly all sports and politics. Got away from politics because of the 2000 and 2004 elections, but was drawn back for the 2006 elections, and the bug is definitely back for 2008. I vote for more Democrats than Republicans, but don't consider myself devoted to a party. Fiscally, I'm more left, but on social issues, I think we've lost our way as a country, and definitely as a community. I spend my time trying to be as positive a member of ' The Village' as I can be.
(You can also find Rikyrah blogging at the award winning & groundbreaking blog Jack & Jill Politics - a leading African American blog. You can also find her on her collaborative blog 3chickspolitico.)
Brian E. (Formerly The Angry Independent)
Generation X'er from the Midwest & founder of this here blog. Earned my Masters Degree in Business Management (with a particular focus) from Webster University. (Wiki page). Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice Administration, and I also hold an advanced graduate certificate in international affairs from Washington University, in St. Louis.
I was born into a military family (Army), and both parents, a brother, and several uncles have served in the U.S. military in wartime. Each one of my fathers 4 children was born in a different Country. I moved around quite a bit growing up. I have never really had the sense of "home", or a home city, although St. Louis is my hometown.
I consider myself an Independent, part of a growing number of Americans with no representation in Washington D.C.
Political observer, and Music lover (all sorts, although not a fan of gangster rap or anything close). I have been a serious follower and student of Politics for at least the past 18 years. Love writing and staying informed about current events. Areas of interest include Homeland Security, World affairs, political reform, campaign financing, the need for more major political Parties (a viable 3rd and 4th Party), current events, Foreign policy, and African American issues. I'm the all around political and news junkie. Another topic will be my love for various kinds of music, especially Jazz, Rock, and old Soul music. Music is one thing that I can’t do without. I hate to describe my politics in a slogan, other than to say I am an independent thinker.... I just hate the categories. However, a lot of people wonder how I would label myself in terms of my overall position on politics. I recently came up with the following as the best way to describe where I am on the political scale. I would say that I am "an Independent Progressive with a few Conservative tendencies".
I started this blog to give myself a canvass to write on & share information. But also because I got fed up with the often distorted State-Run Fox News view of the world. When you flip through your channels (radio or TV) you get the same thing shoved down your throat, often in a 24 hour news cycle. It’s not much about news or analysis…it’s more a form of entertainment, created for ratings. Too many expert pundits who are not really experts at anything other than being pundits. They are often paid by the networks to say the things that they say. There HAS TO BE another viewpoint that someone could put forward. The net is one of the few places where you can get a wide range of genuine viewpoints, because it’s a medium that has not yet been thoroughly corrupted by corporate greed.
Mirror On America is not a "Black Blog", and was never intended to be. Although it is often mislabeled as such by those who want to place the site into a certain category or box. Instead of being a "Black Blog", Mirror On America is a blog of diverse interests, that covers some of the issues important to Black Americans. Covering a variety of topics, having a diverse group of bloggers, having a diverse readership and a diversity of viewpoints was what I always invisioned for this blog. Being labeled a "Black Blog" or a "Black Blogger" would not allow me to have the kind of wide ranging blog that I wanted when I started. The "Black Blog" label is like the kiss of death in the context of the wider blogosphere (at least in my view); because with that label, people will make assumptions about you from the outset. As soon as you are hit with the label, a trap door opens and you fall right into "the box". My interests and the subject matter covered here are more varied than what "a black blog" would imply. It's a label that is too confining to describe me or the blog.
I also started this as an experiment…. I don’t know how long I will stick with it. I think I will leave it when it begins to feel more like work rather than an outlet… OR if my personal situation changes.
Comments & Suggestions are welcomed. Readers are also encouraged to help the site by sharing my individual story links with other blogs or by sending them to friends. If you are a blogger, I encourage you to link the blog entries if you find something of interest.
Dr. Marvin King (King Politics)

Dr. Marvin King is an assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). He is also a blogger and sports analyst. Dr. King runs the blog "King Politics". He also blogs for the Jackson Clarion-Ledger newspaper.
Dr. Errington Thompson

Dr. Thompson, is also an associate director of trauma/surgical critical care in Asheville, North Carolina. His profession allows him to see the real-life, physical affects of government policy, which gives him a unique perspective on current issues. He attended Emory University and Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, where he was raised. He received further training at hospitals in Shreveport, La., and St. Louis. Although he has written more than 20 professional articles and book chapters, A Letter to America is his first non-medical book.
Dr. Thompson has his own blog entitled, "Where's The Outrage".
What an impressive line-up. Much love.
I really like the setup & discussions of your blog!! So i am sending you my story:
LAPD handcuffed, shot & killed on March 25, 2008 a 21 year old autistic boy & then notified his family 21 days later! Despite having run is id prior to the shooting.
They claimed Usman Chaudhry lugned at them with a pocket-knife; but how can that be possible if he was in handcuffs when the coroners examined him? And what was his family notified after 21 days.
I am telling you all of this because your blog is very interesting & I think you would care about this story & can help me tell others! Because we do not have enough people sticking up for the little guys & Usman was one of those innocent people that brought so much happiness to so many people--especially to those that others saw as outcasts! Now its up to all of us to make sure his story is heard & supported. We are holding a candle light vigil on june 21, 2008 at the place he was shoot check it out on http://usmanchaudhry21.wordpress.com
Thanks you, & I hope to hear from you soon!
Love the blog. I just posted about you on my site: http://blackpoliticalanalysis.blogspot.com/
Thanks Marvin....
Appreciate the linking on your blog.
I came by the site by chance...
What a great and timeless quote by Du Bois!!!
I'll be Bach... you can be Beethoven.
Wondering if any of the contributors to Mirror on America might be interested in participating in a blog tour for a new book about prosperity preaching in the black church. It's certainly a controversial topic and particularly relevant in recent years. The book is Exploring Prosperity Preaching: Biblical Health, Wealth, and Wisdom and the author is homiletics professor Dr. Debra Mumford. If you're interested in learning more, let me know. Thanks!
I am not a blogger but I am a writer and artist. I am also planning to go to grad school for an MFA in Creative Writing. But what captivated me what your blog about The Beyonce Syndrome: http://mirroronamerica.blogspot.com/2012/01/beyonce-syndrome-impact-of-pop-culture.html.
I try not to get into celebrity culture but being 26, it is hard to escape it because of my peer group...which I really don't fit in well with many. As a Black woman, I am so happy to have found this article because, I too, don't get the fascination with some of these celebs but I think the worship of Jay-Z and Beyonce within the Black and youth community is troubling. Here is it we have a positive Black couple in the White House yet Black youth want to look up to an arrogant greedy rapper and his greedy, megalomaniacal wife. I hope for better but this generation...I don't know. Things will get worse. I hate to be pessimistic but it will get worse. God warned us that the children of the light will be weaker but wiser. U_U I rarely read blog articles and respond (except for Barbie collector blogs, LOL!) but this one caught my eye and Iw ill bookmark this blog! Keep up the good work and it is refreshing, once more, to see educated, positive, Black male writers!
Thanks @ Choosy.... Appreciate the comments.
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