The Democratic Debate in Iowa last night was one of the best so far in terms of the format. The format this time around was much more open and flexible. This led to a lot of interesting interaction between the candidates.
Watch Debate From Link Below
Highlights For Me
1. Sen. Chris Dodd talking about the need for public financing of campaigns.... reducing the influence of corporate interests & the media.
2. Latest polls= 3 way tie in the State....between Edwards, Obama, and Clinton.
3. Hillary Clinton getting caught in another lie... regarding her attack on Obama (about calling for no use of nukes against Al Qaeda). ABC presented video of Clinton saying essentially the same thing that Obama stated on the issue. Video is a wonderful thing :).
4. Kucinich pointing out that the Health plans from the other candidates still leave private corporate interests in control of the system.
5. Hillary Clinton lying about pulling troops from Iraq.
6. Dennis The Menace Kucinich doing a wonderful job on his lie patrol duties.... with help from Gravel. I loved when Kucinich and Obama pointed out that the time for debate was before they rubber stamped the disaster in Iraq...and not now, after almost 4000 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqi's are dead. (not even counting the American civilian workers dead).
7. Obama talking about "experience" in terms of the Washington D.C. Status Quo; defending himself from those who think their White priviledge somehow automatically makes them geniuses on foreign policy.... the same foreign policy that got us to where we are today. The White establishment (media) seems to be asking Obama to have extra credentials to make up for his ethnicity....as if it is some kind of illness. I don't see the media challenging White politicians (from either party) the same way.... after all, these are the idiots who took this country into the disaster in Iraq.
8. Gravel calling American foreign policy "imperialism".
Watch Debate
Commentary from TPM Cafe
1 comment:
It seems as if Obama did himself great favors last night, and I'm glad about that.
I do think video is a good thing...LOL
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