Saturday, November 10, 2007

Bush To Musharraf - "Take Off The Uniform"

Take Off The Uniform?

This appears to be a lukewarm response from Bush & Co. at best, since simply taking off a uniform doesn't deal with the question of the continuing dictatorship in Pakistan. It's as if Musharraf would be less of a dictator in civilian clothes.

No... this seems to be part of an effort by the Bush Administration to give tacit approval to Musharraf maintaining his current position. They want him to get rid of the uniform because it would then be easier for them to say that Pakistan is returning to civilian Democratic control.

Bush and Co. has been purposely providing mixed signals in public, as a way to cover themselves. At the same time that Bush called for Musharraf to drop his uniform and called for elections, Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte called Musharraf "an indispensable ally in the War Against Terrorism".... despite the fact that Musharraf has not been as aggressive as he could be in certain anti-terror efforts. Pakistan has often granted a pass to anti-American forces near the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.


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1 comment:

  1. Yes, they're trying to APPEAR that they're being tough. After all, how can you call out the folks in Burma, and NOT call out Musharraf. It reeks of double standard.

    of course, this is all the chickens coming home to roost.

    IF they had done what they were supposed to do in Afghanistan, instead of doing a half-assed job on the cheap, because they were too busy LYING trying to push us into Iraq, then we wouldn't have needed Musharraf.

    Then we wouldn't have given him 11 BILLION DOLLARS, thus propping him up, and his corrupt ass would have fallen long ago, hopefully replaced by someone more 'moderate' and not as Anti-USA.

    I mean, look at those folks out there protesting; they have a healthy sense of what they believe democracy is about, and they're willing to fight for it. What we've been trying to ' teach' in the rest of the Middle East, Pakistanis already know it and want it for themselves.

    My fear is that we'll continue to pimp up this thug, thus cutting out the option of someone more moderate and forcing those who want change to choose someone far more extreme. IF that happens, it's BUSH AND COMPANY'S FAULT. Period.
