The President and First Lady welcome home the troops at Ft. Bragg.

President Obama and the First Lady Speak to Troops at Fort Bragg

Rachel Maddow did a segment last night. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell, talks with Rachel Maddow about the number of prominent Republicans who want to keep U.S. troops in Iraq.
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Hello!I want to know were all this excellant health care is,that you say were getting.At the Albuquerque VA hospital we don't even have a Nero-Surgeon,to take care of vets that need special operations.I have a back injury from 1969,when I was in the Miltary.They just came out with a way to relieve most of the pain and there is no one here to do it.I've been waiting with severe pain for a long time when do I get relief,I'm just about walking,and my intestines are ready to shut down,I have very little feeling from the waist down.What am I going to do,I found a place to do the operation but I can't afford it.Can you please help me.Thank You
I was wondering does all this great health care only belong to our newer vets,or do we all share.We were the vets that faught for over country before these soldiers,do we still count.Or were we just a rite off,Why are our benefits different then these new soldiers,we were regular soldiers,these soldiers are reserves.Can someone just tell me the difference,PLease
You can try to contact the Veteran's Advocate (for Federal VA) in your State. They can assist with benefit issues, patient care issues & appeals.
(505) 265-1711 ext. 2612 or 2686
There is also an eligibility unit for your State.
(505) 265-1171 ext. 2741 or toll free at 1-800-465-8262 ext. 2741
You can also try the (at the State level) The NM Department of Veteran's Services. From their "field offices" and you will find a list of advocates.
Did you know that since the Nero-Surgeon Quit his job at the VA hospital,in Albuquerque.None,I said None of the surrounding Hospitals in any of the other states want to help out on getting these patients operated on,except the one in LA.Ca.Boy thats going to be a lot of money for Travel pay.I thought this was a country that stands together.
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