What Does $40 Mean To You:
Tell us what $40 per paycheck would mean for you and your family. What would you have to give up? We'll highlight your stories publicly so that they're part of the debate here in Washington.
If Congress fails to extend the payroll tax cut, the typical family making $50,000 a year will have about $40 less to spend or save with each paycheck. Over the year, that adds up to about $1,000.
Opponents of the payroll tax cut dismiss its impact by insisting $40 isn’t a lot of money, but that’s not the case for many families who are already working hard to make ends meet. Forty dollars buys a tank of gas or a fridge and pantry full of groceries. It covers a water bill or the cost of a prescription.
More ways you can tell Washington what $40 a week means to you
Use the hashtag #40dollars on Twitter. Tweet Your Message
There are several ways you can send a message on Facebook:
•Update your status with a message that explains what $40 a week means to you.
•Share your message to the White House Facebook page.
Post a video response explaining what $40 a week means to you and your family with the title "This is what $40 means to me"

And, thank you, Goldie Taylor.
From Mediaite.com:
Goldie Taylor ‘Sick And Damn Tired’ Of Republicans Failing To Extend Payroll Tax Cut
videoby James Crugnale |
5:33 pm, December 20th, 2011
TheGrio writer and cable news contributor Goldie Taylor got into a heated exchange with conservative columnist S.E. Cupp, mixing it up over the payroll tax cut extension on Martin Bashir‘s show Tuesday. “Is poppycock one word or two?” Taylor snarked.
At the end of the day, it was Democrats who wanted a year long extension in the tax cut holiday, but they had to break this deal. The deal was for two months and then Republicans came back and said ‘oh no, we wanted it for a year.’ What they are trying to do is kill the extension for a year on working class Americans and blame it on the president. That’s what this game is about and they ought to cut it out right now!” Taylor fumed. “What $1,000 dollars would do for working class Americans is pay for rent, pay for groceries, keep the damn lights on! And I’m sick and damn tired of the talking points that get pushed out on this thing.”
“Sorry for the talking points but it’s not that complicated,” Cupp countered.
“Lies generally aren’t,” Taylor hit back.
“To compromise does not mean to just accept what’s on the table,” Cupp responded. “To compromise means both sides get something they want out of this. Republicans aren’t stupid!”
“They wanted it paid for with 3.2% surtax on billionaires and millionaires, and they refused on that basis,” Taylor exclaimed. “They refused to tax the 1% in favor of raising taxes on working class Americans.”
Senator Schumer talks about the GOP.
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Rachel Maddow did a good piece on all the 'poison pills' that the GOP wanted to attach to this extension, and how the point of it was to change unemployment insurance from an entitlement to something that they could deride as for ' poor people', so that they can kill it later on, as they want to do with all entitlements.
Rachel Maddow lists the imaginary problems Congressional Republicans have made a fuss over and points out how the solutions to these manufactured emergencies serve Republican goals of undermining social programs or improving their electoral chances.
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