Thug DJ Returns To Radio Airwaves In New York... & Is Welcomed Back By The Black Community
Where is the outrage from the so-called "Black Community" about the thug radio personality Troi Torain returning to the airwaves? Black folks have been up in arms recently over the return of Don Imus to the radio airwaves. But Imus's comments were not nearly as inflammatory or offensive as the comments made by thug Troi Torain, who goes by the name DJ Star. Imus was not arrested, nor did he break the law. Imus didn't make threats to do bodily harm to anyone. I'm not excusing Imus... I am mentioning that for the purpose of juxtaposing the two incidents and to highlight the hypocrisy that runs rampant in the so-called “Black Community”.
Last year, while on the air at one of New York's biggest thug Hip Hop radio stations, Mr. Torain threatened to stalk and rape a 4 year old little girl....and then urinate on her. He also threatened her parents...and even solicited listeners to help him find out what school or daycare the child attended. See Report 1 See Report 2. I blogged about this story last year. See 2006 Report from NY Times. Where was the outrage from "Black America"? I don't know...but I do know that there was not a peep from Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the rest. NOT A WORD! They certainly did not call for any major protests against him or demand that he be fired. Now he has returned to the airwaves....and still...no protests... no outrage from the "Black Community". But Negroes had an epileptic fit over Don Imus? This is one of those things that sometimes makes me hate my racial identity.
Oh… . This is just more wholesome and nourishing Black entertainment for the youth, right? Yeah… this is what Blacks often try to convince people of. I get so tired of these ignorant and misguided Negroes who try to argue that Rap/Hip Hop culture and its degenerate music and images are no problem. They constantly make excuses for this culture, which is why none of the problems that plague the so-called “Black Community” have ever been addressed and will never be addressed. Too many Blacks are walking around with blinders on…. denying or ignoring the problems in their community and in their culture.
Take the Black on Black crime rate for instance. There is a self-canabalism taking place within the so-called Black community right now. Street gangs control entire neighborhoods in urban America. And the problems are exacerbated by Blacks keeping their blinders on... along with this "no snitching" mentality. This has allowed the criminals to prey on those who look like them without much fear of any serious consequences. I think John McWhorter and Jason Whitlock may be on to something with the "Black KKK" analogy. Thanks to Plez World for the McWhorter piece.
This is why I don’t identify with Black Popular Culture….and I have no regrets.
Side Note:
This nonsense (Black hypocrisy) seems to be par for the course. I was thumbing through radio stations in my car the other day and ran across one of the local Black stations…and they were holding one of their radio contests. One of the callers was overjoyed at the fact that she won the contest…. What was the prize you ask? Two tickets to see R. Kelly. Yep… THAT R. Kelly…. The child rapist. He is on yet another tour. [1] [2]. He still hasn’t gone to prison, nor has he even gone to trial for the 2002 rape of a teenage girl. And I suspect folks in corrupt Chicago are being paid off to continue to delay the trial. I doubt if there will be a trial at all… and that would be just fine with his Black supporters.
And yes…. His concert venues have been selling out since the rape charges. The rape charges made him more of a hero in the Black community. Go figure. Any other culture would have ostracized the thug and child rapist. But in Black culture… the more crimes you commit and the more severe your crimes are, the more of a hero you become.
i live in Atlanta and we didn't get the "Star & Buckwild Show" here, but i heard about the story last year via the Internet (i spend time in the Philly area working and had listened to the show on occassion). they worked hard (maybe too hard) trying to be controversial and shocking (a la Howard Stern).
although, i support Star's show's right to be "over the top", i agree that the Black community tends to be more than a bit hypocritical about WHO they protest and attack. their rant (about the 4-year old) was much more egregious and terroristic than anything imus said.
i tend to agree with whitlock/mcwhorter on the need of a "self-check" in the Black community. we need to stop looking for the mote in others' eyes and start taking a LONG & HARD look at the big ole speck in ours!
The black community only cares about what white-owned industry tells them to care about. Fox News gets in a tizzy about Imus, so Black America hates Imus. [insert your fashionable corporate brand here] pays Beyonce to wear/use/sell their product, and it becomes all the rage.
Remember when the rich white folks at Warner Brothers wanted Black America to know who Malcolm X was? When was the last time you saw an X baseball cap?
As a resident of New York City, I do not listen to the radio FM. More so I rarely even watch TV except for NY1 [local cable station]. However, Troi's case was all over the local news. I had no idea he has returned to the radio. I am disgusted to know tat he is back on the air.
You know how our people can be and on your own, you have to follow up on stories and I commend you for sharing this and putting this into the universe.
I wonder if the Amsterdam News (black news paper in New York) has even discussed the issue. The best way that I get my news is from NY1.com and this goes to show that you still do not know everything that goes on in this city. However, Don Imus' story was all over local news and national news as well.
Thanks for keeping us enlightened! And, I am surprised that Al Sharpton is not on this or the NAACP!
Ok as a resident of New York City and a young Black female, I must say that I am outraged by his return. I rarely listen to "DJ Star" or whatever his name is. I find that Blacks are the only ones bringing themselves down at this point. Yes it is difficult being Black in America- it's still hard to do what we want without having to worry about what white people will say. However, at this point, white people wouldn't have these thoughts or misconceptions if Blacks didn't place it on themselves.
I too don't identify myself with this "Black culture". The only thing I like is hip hop- real hip hop where they talk about real issues (people like Common and Rakim)-not degrading women and the like. With the existence of shows like "I Love New York" and channels like BET (I hate to say it but its true), the white communinty have will have no other way of seeing how we, as a people, act. They see it on TV and assume its true. They see black people acting ignorant and foolish-they think we are dumb and such. It's up to us to let them know who we really are.
Blacks just don't like white people to tell them what to do or they don't want white people to say racist comments. That's why the use of the N word is still common. It's "okay" for a black person to say it but not a white man.
I really hope that some way this DJ gets kicked off the air...permanently. You have to be sick and disgusting to want to harm a 4 year old.
Now I usually talk about fashion and such but I'm really happy that there is someone out there dicussing what's going on in the community.
Horrible, ugly stuff. No doubt about it. But, I have to say, in terms of the whole "intraracial" thing, I'm still waiting on the day when I come upon one of this sort of post on one of these black blogs, and not just have the author just tell me what Jesse and Al aren't doing but also tell me what they ARE doing, and how it's different and better. Hell, I'd be halfway satisfied if one of you told me what you PLAN to actually DO, aside from sitting and bitching about Jesse and Al. In the situation as it stands now, you are no different from white right-wingers who care more about how much anti-liberal ammunition an issue provides than about the issue itself. Y'all want to "take the baton"? Then DO something, damnit!
Raising my fist in salute to you, AI.
You're on the money.
I'm ashamed that R.Kelly has anykind of income. IF he remotely had touched one WHite girl, he'd be UNDER the jail. But, because he attacked undervalued Black girls, he still is employed. It's disgusting.
In addition to signing the petition, I encourage you to write a letter to the people and corporations listed. I know the power of the written word works:
[I did not start the petition, I just found it online this evening.]
Thanks for the comments.
When this kind of nonsense is allowed to take place, it undercuts otherwise legitimate complaints and legitimate outrage from Black Americans when an Imus type incident takes place.
It gives the Don Imus's and their supporters the ammunition they need when they want to defend offensive behavior & deflect "Black" anger. It gives critics a legitimate point when they say that the so-called "Black Community" (I hate that term) is being hypocritical.
Black Americans should be more scrutinizing of their own, as a way to maintain the integrity that is required to deal with the Don Imus's. Otherwise, Blacks are left looking like fools, and place themselves in a situation where they have to deal with the Don Imus's and other critics from a much weaker position.
This Torain situation is just another sign of a Black culture that is sick. I don't know which is more troubling... the incident itself... or the lack of Black outrage against it. Both situations are horrible IMO.
...Thanks for the petition link.
Fashion's Darling,
You made a good point about media images often being the means by which other people formulate their views of Black people. This is why the negative images from Hip Hop culture are so incredibly damaging. These stereotypes are perpetuated and reinforced by Blacks, and the images that they create are spread not only across the Country, but around the World. The Black apologists like to argue that this is a positive thing... that Whites are buying these CD's, loving the videos and they love the images (as if money is the ultimate measure determining if this Hip Hop culture is helping the Black image). The problem with that argument is that Black youth internalize the same negative images in ways that most Whites cannot... When whites leave the music store, chances are they are going back to a nice/decent & relatively safe neighborhood, and to a nice 2 parent home in the burbs. Too many Black youth don't have the same layers of protection. Furthermore, Black youth internalize these images much easier because they are seeing "entertainers" who look like them. If a Black boy is told on an almost daily basis (directly or indirectly through Hip Hop) that he is a thug, Pimp, criminal, should not look forward to becoming anything other than an NBA player or rapper, etc... after a while, he will become what he sees and hears.... This is what he will aspire to be. The same goes for young Black women. The whole video vixen/stripper nonsense is seen by many as a legitimate option. Their role models in popular culture are Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Ashanti & video vixens. If I had a daughter, I would not allow any of these women to be her role model...NOT ONE. They are pushing a culture of poison...and Black youth (esp. the young women) are drinking it like Koolaid in the Summertime.
"Black culture" is in the toilet..
Unfortunately too many Black folks want to believe that this in not a problem.
Anonymous @ 3:30Pm,
First... this is not a "Black Blog". I'm getting tired of the labels. If you post something about a "Black" issue... people want to put you in some sort of a race box.
And as for your comments about Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson...
I'm a blogger... I'm not a "Black leader" (thank God)... I'm not in a position to put out a plan or platform... I'll leave that to the people who Black folks follow and who they consider to be their leaders. It's their job to "lead" properly. My role is to point out their hypocritical bull---t when it needs to be pointed out.
These men are public figures...by their own choosing. And as such, they are open to scrutiny & legitimate criticism.
It's no doubt that Jesse has done considerable work in Civil Rights/social justice, etc... I respect him for that...always have. That's why you will rarely (if ever) see a so-called "Civil Rights leader" on my blogs "Shame" list... although I may rail against them on occasion in a blog post. However, their Civil Rights credentials don't give them a pass when it comes to accountability.
I have to agree about R. Kelly. I don't see how he would be free under your scenario. It's incredible that this man is still walking the streets. This is what...his 3rd tour since the incident????
And he is enjoying more popularity now than before.
And you mentioned that Black girls are not valued... I agree. They aren't valued not only from the larger White society...but they are valued even less by their own racial group.
If the "Black Community" valued its girls and women...then Black folks would be protesting R. Kelly's concerts instead of attending them in huge numbers.
I understand that one of his Concert venues is owned by some mega church....
Black culture is turning into an endless horror show for me.
I appreciate the information in this post a lot. It brings out a lot of issues in the black community. I definitely agree about the gangs running neighborhoods and that the no snitching model should be done away with and be replaced with something like Live right or get told on. LOL not funny but a little comedy to ease the pain of the rest of this post. I don't believe you should have compared Imus's comment to star's comments the nay reason I say this is you make it a race thing by doing so. You have the perfect premise of social reform within the black community until you compare the too. The only reason black leaders went after Imus was they wanted to make a point that its not cool for a radio DJ to make some what racial comments on main stream radio. The other reason is they thought if they didn't do something nobody would. WIth star that was not a problem as you can see even without gathering the black leaders against making inappropriate comments about another DJ and his wife and daughter he still faced some kind of justice, Imus would not have other than that I support everything else you have posted keep it up. P.S remember all Imus got is fired and he was only being racist thats not a crime or is it?
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