Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day Open Thread

Lift Every Voice and Sing - the Negro National Anthem by James Weldon Johnson

This is the new cover of The Nation Magazine. Here is the DailyKos Diary by the artist.This day was long in coming in American History. And, Barack Hussein Obama was elected on the shoulders of many who paved the way. When I saw this cover, tears came to my eyes. I admit it, I never thought this day would happen in this country. How many people do you recognize on the cover?

Let's continue to share this historical day with one another.


rikyrah said...

Looking at them about to leave Blair House.

rikyrah said...

TD Jakes is giving the Sermon at St. John's Church. I didn't know that.

Brian said...

Thank you for all these awesome posts...

I have been hit by a migraine attack. Probably has something to do with being at the computer for hours... (way too long)... and everything else that is going on. I just can't handle it. I couldn't really get any sleep all night...and I have the flu. All this has taken me out of commission.

When I get a headache this bad I have to knock myself out with OTC's... I'll try to catch the swearing-in though.

I will try to come back later today (tonight for sure).

Rikyrah... I thought I was a news and politics junkie... but I have to tip my hat to you. You take the crown... at least for this year. You and the folks at JJP have been kicking butt! :)

Please keep your posts coming.

This is a once in a lifetime day... still feels like a dream.

rikyrah said...

Did everyone get their newspapers. USA Today has a 16 page special.

Do you see the crowd?

rikyrah said...



This is a day I never thought I'd see. And no, I don't mean a Black President. I mean George Bush leaving. I was part of those who honestly believed that he and The Evil One would NEVER leave. I believed in my soul that it was possible they'd do everything they could to remain in power.

One of the most humbling things about this country, with all its faults, is this day. It's the transfer of power. At 11:30 am, George Bush will be Leader of the Free World. And by 12:00 noon, Barack Obama will be. I believe that says something about us as a country.

rikyrah said...

The Obama girls look so pretty today.

I admit. I love the pomp.

rikyrah said...

Ride or Die Joe has just walked down.

rikyrah said...

2 miles- nothing but people - from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial..

rikyrah said...

You can't tell Aretha anything..LOL

rikyrah said...

is that the Biden family Bible? it's huge.

rikyrah said...

I saw the picture from Times Square.

rikyrah said...

I was ok until the Oath of Office. And then , I began to cry.

rikyrah said...

the crowds across America watching are something.

rikyrah said...

Lowry quoting James Weldon Johnson

Brian said...

According to CNN... more people watching this event than any other event in human history.

That's crazy!

Brian said...

He's a lefty????

Learn something new everyday.

redante said...

I was at the National Mall and it was crazy -- there were so many people there! As far as the eye can see were crowds. And getting out and exiting was a challenge as the crowd was literally packed like sardines taking small steps forward and inching its way up 18th street. All in all a great day!