Thursday, July 17, 2008

Memo to Press: Barack Obama is NOT running for Entertainer-In-Chief

Sometimes, you see these ' Memes' developing within the MSM, and you gotta say,

The latest?

When is Barack Obama gonna turn into Bill ' Bojangles' Robinson and entertain us?

Think I'm kidding?

From Jack Cafferty:

FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:

Obama in danger of taking himself too seriously?
Posted: 01:24 PM ET

One of the jobs of American presidents, whether they realize it or not, is to make us laugh........

But what about Barack Obama? The writers for the late night television shows admit they’re having a tough time coming up with jokes about the presidential front-runner. Letterman and Leno lampoon John McCain on a regular basis, but not Barack.........

Maureen Dowd:

At first blush, it would seem to be a positive for Obama that he is hard to mock. But on second thought, is it another sign that he’s trying so hard to be perfect that it’s stultifying? Or that eight years of W. and Cheney have robbed Democratic voters of their sense of humor?

Certainly, as the potential first black president, and as a contender with tender experience, Obama must feel under strain to be serious.

But he does not want the “take” on him to become that he’s so tightly wrapped, overcalculated and circumspect that he can’t even allow anyone to make jokes about him, and that his supporters are so evangelical and eager for a champion to rescue America that their response to any razzing is a sanctimonious: Don’t mess with our messiah!

If Obama keeps being stingy with his quips and smiles, and if the dominant perception of him is that you can’t make jokes about him, it might infect his campaign with an airless quality. His humorlessness could spark humor.........

I'm watching MSNBC, and you have Tweety asking if Obama were an elitist because you can't joke about him.

Then I have to suffer through David Gregory actually having as a discussion point: Should Obama tell more jokes.

I get the Memo. You believe Barack Obama needs to 'entertain' you.

If you need Black folk to ' entertain' you, call up Flavor Flav, Eddie Griffin, Mo'Nique and any rapper you want.

SENATOR Barack Obama is NOT here to 'entertain' you.

He's NOT trying out to be the next host on Showtime at the Apollo.

But, what's REALLY the problem here?

The Raving Black Lunatic took this subject on, quite well:

Shuffle, Shuffle, Dance, Jig Dance
Where is Barack Obama's funny bone?

1. Do we really need more laughs?

Okay, this is an easy one. If I understand correctly, the media are saying that after the bumbling sideshow that our government has become over the past eight years, they think we need more stuff to laugh about?


2. Racist jokes are easier

I think it's interesting that so many white comedians feel like they can't come up with acceptable jokes about Obama without offending someone. It really shows how uncomfortable and ignorant most white people are about black people. ...........................................................................

The problem for most white comedians is not that Obama doesn't do anything that is funny. It's not that there is nothing humorous about his campaign. The problem is that they lack the skills to find the funny stuff. They don't understand black people and their culture enough to make a joke that doesn't involve rims, grills and gold chains. That's the real problem.....

3. That nigger better be funny

And we've arrived at the real reason I wrote this post. It goes beyond the idea that people in this country should have had enough laughs thanks to George Bush. No, it goes to the idea that Obama needs to make white people comfortable with him, and the easiest way for them to get comfortable with a black man is if he's making them laugh.

Serious black men confuse and frustrate white people. Well, unless they are criminals. Serious thugs are easy for white people to understand and deal with. They fit into the proper box. The one with bars.........................................................................................................................................................................

Black people are not here to entertain white people. We are not here to make them laugh, we are not here to make them cry, we are not here to make them angry. We are human beings living our lives just like them. We are under no obligation to make them "smile."

Barack Obama is running to be the most powerful politician in America during one of the most unsettled times in this country's history. And white folks are wondering if he is going to lose because he doesn't make them smile?

Thank you.


  1. Really?!?! you think so. I don't know if i completely agree...
    1. Unfortunately everyone in the public sphere has to entertain us. We have become a society more concerned with being entertained than enlightened, that started before Obama and will go on after Obama.

    Maybe I'm just being nieve but...

    2. Maybe white comedians have such a hard time because as black people we tend to create double standards, because we are the minorities and we don't "control" society, doesn't mean that we can go around reinforcing White stereotypes or making fun of them in ways that would offend us if they did the same. There are no holds barred with us. Even if it is can be offensive and hurtful to them.

    3. We need to learn to pick our battles, and Obama's sense of humor or lack there of is not a battle. The New Yorker, was a battle, Some of Dowd's other remarks are a battle. I personally wouldn't mind seeing him on SNL or an equivilant, it shows a human side. It shows that he can take a joke or be apart of a joke...

    It may just be me but...

  2. Barack is so incredibly Presidential in his serious speeches. He's untouchable in his delivery, manner, tone, body language and all those words he remembers effortlessly. It is amazing for any human being, and I think for many whites who have been accustomed to black stereotyping, a shock.
