Sunday, July 20, 2008

DNC Tells Hillary Holdouts - ' Time to Get Real'

From TPM Election Central:

Seems as if the DNC is finally tired of the ridiculousness from some Hillary supporters. Tired of the threats, pouts, and whining. Tired of the meetings with McCain fundraisers. Tired of leaks to the media about what gymnastics Obama is supposed to do to get their support.

So, they've sent a letter to some holdouts:

Dear Democratic Friends:

2008 is a Democratic year-at all levels in all the states. The opportunity is ours. We just have to seize it.

We experienced an exciting, intense, sometimes difficult, campaign to nominate our presidential candidate. Now it's over. Barack Obama won.

I supported Hillary Clinton and am proud and pleased that I did. But she lost. Barack Obama won. It's over.

It is time for all Democrats, supporters of Senator Clinton and all other contenders for the nomination, to stand with him to secure his election and the election of Democrats at all levels of competition.

I must confess a bit of fatigue and irritation with people who continue to carp, complain, and criticize the results of the primary and lay down conditions for their support. The Los Angeles Lakers didn't establish conditions to recognize the Boston Celtics as NBA Champions; Roger Federer did not demand concessions before recognizing that Rafael Nadal defeated him at Wimbledon.

It is time to act in a mature and resourceful fashion. It's time to put the primaries behind us. It's time to support Barack Obama without conditions or demands.

It's time to WIN for Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, America, and our future. We have an unparalleled opportunity. I hope we will all do everything we can to seize the moment.

See you at the Inauguration.


Don Fowler
DNC Member At-Large, South Carolina
Former Chair of the Democratic National Committee

Alice Germond
Secretary, Democratic National Committee


Don't care what they do, but this needed to be said. Stop coddling them. Either they'll support Obama or they won't. But, not one more nanosecond of pretense that folks should even give a rat's ass about them.


  1. Obama Media Alert: Obama's sister Maya will be on C-Span's Road to the White House, 6:30 pm EST, 9:30 pmEST

  2. Rikyrah:

    "Don't care what they do, but this needed to be said. Stop coddling them. Either they'll support Obama or they won't. But, not one more nanosecond of pretense that folks should even give a rat's ass about them."


    ...and THAT'S the message that should be sent to them LOUD and clear!

  3. That doesn't even seem like a real letter. It's written in a fashion that the author wanted to express a certain sentiment, but it seems crass. Granted, I agree 100% with the sentiment. Dems,whether they be Clinton, Edwards, Richardson, Biden, Dodd, Kucinich supporters, need to rally around their candidate. You can bet Romney, Giuliani, and Huckabee supporters will support McCain.

  4. Anonymous8:47 PM

    "Stop coddling them. Either they'll support Obama or they won't. But, not one more nanosecond of pretense that folks should even give a rat's ass about them."

    I agree. Ish.

    With this letter being drafted by a Hillspawn supporter, it may not come across as attacking as it would if came from somebody directly in the Obama camp. In that light, Obama's folks should shy as far as possible from echoing these sentiments.

    Now that the McKinney/Clemente ticket has been established, Cyn might just become the next Nader (Hmmm...sounds like a potential post) with Clinton supporters too pissed to support Obama. If Obama has a chance to avoid the fate of narrow margins that defeated Gore (well that, and a shady Supreme Court decision), Clinton supporters have to be wooed. Not to be confused with "coddling", the Obama camp has to at least attempt to make Hillspawn's folks want to support him. Putting the "Thank you" plug on his site is a good start. But the last thing he needs to do is join in the resounding "Kick rocks" message being directed at Clinton supporters. They are being brats, no doubt about it. But so we would if Hillspawn had won the nomination.
