Thursday, December 06, 2007

White House doesn't know when they knew

Video click here

OMG. I haven't seen a White House press secretary have this much trouble since Scott McClellan. White House Press Secretary, Dana Perino was in hot water from the moment she began until the moment her press conference ended. This is much like the West Wing episode where CJ gets in hot water. Perino knew that today would be a bad day. There was so much contradictory information out there. Seymour Hersh has reported extensively on this subject. He has been proven right time and time again. He reported in November of last year that the intelligence community didn't have the goods on Iran. Nothing that Ms. Perino said today illuminated Bush's comments from the past 2 days.

BTW, I found this while searching the internet -
The Administration's most persistent spin of the new Iran NIE is that it vindicates their position because it shows that Iran did in fact have an active nuclear weapons program in 2003. That's quite some vindication.

What it really means is that faced with two neighbors in the spring of 2003 who both harbored nuclear ambitions, we invaded the country without an active WMD program while ignoring the one that did. I'm not suggesting we should have invaded Iran instead, but by the Administration's own reckoning, we should have.

It puts an exclamation point on the colossal folly of our Iraq adventure.

Here's Keith Olbermann's Special Comment.


  1. I watched the clips of the conference. She didn't even know what she was saying. She couldn't spin the lies as fast as the questions were coming towards her. She looked like she could break down and cry.

    So, you know I thought it was hilarious.

    They are LIARS.



    Someone had had enough and leaked this report, because they knew these lunatics were trying to find new lies to justify going into Iran. They were hoping that they could provoke the President of Iran into doing something that they could use for cover.


  2. While you get 10 million points for the West Wing/CJ reference you lose 11 million for tying it to this disgusting joke of a white house.
    You would think that at some point they would just give up - but I guess not. Watching the clip I almost wanted to feel bad for her. Yeah, um...not so much.

  3. She was so lost. She's in way over her head with this administration. The best PR spin meisters in the world can't cover up all the madness that this crew has been involved in over the past 7 years.

    At least the phony press corps seemed to be a little more inquisitive.
