Thursday, December 06, 2007

Andrew Young - go somewhere and sit down

Hat tip:Think On These Things

From Redding News Review

Andrew Young explains why he is not supporting Obama
By Robert "Rob" Redding Jr.

Dec. 05, 2007, 11:00 a.m. - Former Atlanta Mayor and Ambassador Andrew Young explained why he does not support Sen. Barack Obama to win the Democratic nomination for president - until "2016."

"It is not a matter of being inexperienced," Young told an Atlanta crowd this fall. "It is a matter of being young. There is a certain matter of maturity ... You have to have a protective network around you... Leadership requires suffering. And I would like to see Barack's children get a little older, see, because they're going to pick on them."

He made the remarks after being asked by a crowd member about the Illinois Democrat at a "Newsmakers" event held in Atlanta.

"I want Barack to be president," he responded with a long pause, " 2016."

"Barack Obama does not have the support network yet to get to be president...," he said. He reflected on his days serving as one of many lieutenants to Martin Luther King Jr.

He also said that while Obama's rival Sen. Hillary Clinton is surrounded by quite a few black advisors Obama has very few.

"To put a brother in there by himself is to set him up for crucifixion," he said.

He also joked that author Toni Morrison may have been on to something when she referred to former President Bill Clinton as the "first black president."

"Bill is every bit as black as Barack," he said. "He has probably gone out with more black women than Barack."

Young's remarks come as Obama is battling with Hillary for support in the black community.

Rev. Jesse Jackson, who had endorsed Obama, has been critical of the presidential candidate in recent weeks.

Rev. Al Sharpton has said that he has not decided if he will support Obama.

Ok, let me calm down, before I write things that could be misinterpreted.

Young is ridiculous. Martin Luther King, Jr. was all of TWENTY-SIX when he was named head of the Montgomery Improvement Association.


So, Martin Luther King should have just hung around until someone told him that it was ' his time'?

Do I need to point out that Barack Obama is only ONE YEAR YOUNGER than when Bill Clinton was elected President?


Who the hell is Young kidding? 8 years is an eternity in politics.

The press will leave Malia and Sasha alone the same way they did Chelsea.

Where are these Black advisors to Hillary? I've been told they exist, but I haven't seen them doing interviews, and believe me, being the political junkie that I am, I read as much poltical stuff as possible.

But, the icing on the cake for me was this:

"Bill is every bit as black as Barack," he said. "He has probably gone out with more black women than Barack."

For that alone, Andy Young needs to go stand in the Handkerchief Heads for Hillary bleachers.

Negro, Please.


  1. Andy Young is old. He is old.

    When was the last time that he said anything that was important or topical? I'm just asking. I respect him. I think that he is a great man who has paved the way for people like me and you and Barack.

  2. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! I am absolutely livid at this moment so I probably shoudln't be commenting at all, yet I cannot seem to stay silent. Someone really needs to explain to me where the pointless attacks are coming from. None of the candidates are perfect and I completely support people calling them out on ISSUES but someone needs to just smack the revs and the wannabes because this is ridiculous.

  3. I was tired of Andrew Young when he became a cheerleader for Wal-Mart not too long ago. He sold out to them for the money.

    I usually try to hold criticism for people like Young who have walked the walk and have done so much. But he makes it hard to remain silent. It is clear that he is afraid of the "old guard" losing their position.

    His statement has no merit, as Rikyrah pointed out. Obama is already several years older today than MLK was when he died...(39) AFTER his long journey of leadership.

    Obama is already past the age of Kennedy and Teddy Roosevelt when they entered office...and he would be about the same age as Bill Clinton was when he became President.

    I don't pay attention to much of what the old Civil Rights elite has to say, even though I have a lot of respect for that whole era...and I happen to think that his generation was better than the ones we are producing now.

    But they just aren't relevant anymore.
    Bruce Gordon tried to help some of these folks... but they just couldn't change. It is time for them to step aside.

  4. Please remember -

    Andrew Young would say that HE TOO is a PROGRESSIVE.....just like YOU.
