Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What's up with Ron Paul?

Ron Paul has raised $4.2 MILLION DOLLARS in TWENTY-FOUR HOURS.

I'm not grasping this appeal of him. And, if it is the ' purity' of his message, then let me ask this...

Democrats - If Dennis Kusinich is the Democratic corresponding candidate to Ron Paul, then why not support him this way? If Kusinich could raise this kind of money, things could change in this race, because his ideas and what he represents would be taken seriously.

I think we have readers from all across the spectrum, and I would appreciate someone explaining to me why Ron Paul has struck an obvious nerve with an activist chunk of the GOP.


  1. Ron Paul has a huge libertarian streak and there is a huge chunk of republican supports that share his views. He draws huge crowds at college campuses and he attributes it to his support of letting them opt out of ss and getting rid of the Federal Reserve. That may be partially true, but I think that it may have something to do with the fact that he supports decriminalizing drugs.

    I don’t agree with everything that RP says, but I do think that he’s the only “real” candidate out there that. He doesn’t have a ton of consultants telling him what to say and what not to say and his message has been very consistent since the beginning of his political career.

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Ron Paul has lots of backing from Republicans for 3 reasons:

    1) He's the only candidate who can be called "conservative" rather than "neoconservative."

    2) The party's traditional supporters are so pissed at the current leadership that control of the party is up in the air.

    3) The media hasn't decided which Repub to back yet (although it's looking like Romney).

    With Democrats, everyone knows Kucinich doesn't have a chance. The media -- as always -- will elect the next president, and they're in love with Clinton and Obama.

  3. People are hungry for a change from the status quo.

    That's why we need new major political Parties. Unfortunately that will never happen. (at least not in my lifetime)

    And I have to agree with Anonymous on the fact that the media plays too big of a role in deciding who will be President.
