Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Hillary Clinton Playing the White Woman Card

Ever since she's stumbled at the last debate, there has been a spinning directive by the Clinton campaign and her supporters - that they were picking on her because she was a woman.

Can you imagine Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir or Benazir Bhutto whining about being picked on because they were a woman?

Of course not.

The latest hustler in this spin has been Geraldine Ferraro, who said in a NYTimes piece:

“John Edwards, specifically, as well as the press, would never attack Barack Obama for two hours they way they attacked her,” said Geraldine A. Ferraro, the 1984 vice presidential candidate who supports Mrs. Clinton. “It’s O.K. in this country to be sexist,” Ms. Ferraro said.

“It’s certainly not O.K. to be racist. I think if Barack Obama had been attacked for two hours — well, I don’t think Barack Obama would have been attacked for two hours.”

Um, did I imagine it when they all went after Barack Obama in Iowa that time in a debate? I guess it just didn't happen. Sorry, Mrs. Ferraro, but IT DID HAPPEN to Barack Obama. But, I don't recall Obama's supporters going out saying that they were picking on him just cause he was Black. And, what do you think would have happened IF his supporters had said that he was being picked on because he was Black - it would be portrayed at a betrayal of American Ideals, blah blah blah.

For my 'Sisters' who still labor under the delusion that Hillary is a 'Sister', please note this. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Black women are only "SISTERS", when it's convenient for White women. If it's not, then you know where you are shoved.

If you want to be 'LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD', then you go forth and take the punches. She was attacked last week, because she tried to give lame ass/have it both ways answers to hot button questions and straddle fences, when she wasn't outright lying. And folks FINALLY BEGAN to call her on it.


  1. She is trying to sponge off the largesse that, despite the Lewinsky thing (which even then he brought soley on himself) her husband garnered. When your dig deep, you'll see he was NOT Soul Brother No. 1 as we culud folk like to celebrate, unless you count utter craven self-aggrandizement whilst "talking the talk" as a peculiar attribute of black politicians (and pastors). He was as deep in corporate America's hip pocket as Bush--just a different pocket. A lot of the abuses the rich are heaping on us all on so many levels began enablement under his administration. He didn't use the bully pulpit to address or quell a lot of social issues or injustice. Indeed, his ego was largely responsible for the pwer that right wing has now on cable, radio and online.

    And despite all that, he gets a pass. She's jealous. I mean pissed off jealous. And the Democrats, so married to machine and interest politics on a petty rather than institutional level (as the GOP wisely directs), wish to assuage her out of clubby loyality. it's as sad as the scumfest on the GOP side, with even my old hero from 2000, John McCain, sunk lower than dirt. Lord where's General Wes Clarke when you need him? Or even Al Gore.

    Nuff said, the issue really is that Barack's such a damn lightweight/cardboard hero that Hillary can get away with playing the victim, and her Oprah-esque audience eat that up.

    PS I blogged about Benazir "Bunky" Bhutto yesterda (indirectly), and yeah, she's strong, but that mess was foisted on her. She wasn't lways the heroine. "Bunky" was her nickname when she ran with the crazy coked-out white sluts at Harvard back in the day, hitting every club in Boston and even trying to jock Walt "Cldye" Frazier in NYC! But you know, that chick's got more courage in her henna'd and ringed pinky toe than Hillary has in her thunderous thighs...

    I'm jut angry today, sorry.

  2. Christopher,

    I know a lot about Bhutto. As they say, she's 'BEEN THROUGH IT'. She has risen to the occasion and accepted the mantle given to her. Can you imagine Hillary STAYING after someone just tried to BLOW HER UP? That's what Bhutto has done. She's been straddling two worlds for as long as she's been alive, and though she had time to dilly dally, when push came to shove, she did what she duty told her to do, and has accepted the responsibility for it.

  3. sorry,

    she did what DUTY told her to do.

  4. First she wanted to be treated like the Men in the campaign... but now when people begin to question her position on the issues, she wants to play the role of the damsel. Please!!!

    She wants to have it both ways.

    Hopefully this increased pressure by the other candidates, and the challenging of her politics is only the beginning.

    There is supposed to be another debate in about a week, and I am looking forward to seeing if the other candidates keep up the pressure.
