hat tips-Angelar,
When I saw the video of Herman Cain-SINGING- at the National Press Club, I had a visceral reaction. I wracked my brain trying to come up with the exact word to name what I was feeling when I watched Cain BREAK INTO SONG. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I woke up and realized what he reminded me of:
I've said from the beginning that Herman Cain was never a serious candidate. I knew he wasn't a serious candidate when, on Fox, one of the anchors tried to lob him what they THOUGHT was going to be a softball question: about the 'right of return' question for Palestinians.
Cain's answer?
I don't know about that issue.
You're saying that you're running for the Presidency of the United States, and you don't have an opinion on 'right of return' for Palestinians?
My reaction to that was HELL NO. I know this Black man isn't going to try and go around giving Sarah Palin-esque answers and believes he should be taken seriously.
'Right of Return' is NOT a PhD level question when it comes to the Israel/Palestine issue.
It's an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL level question, and someone who says they are running for PRESIDENT should be able to answer the question. On the spot. They should have already thought about it, and have an answer at the tip of their tongue, because Israel/Palestine is one of the major issues of the Middle East, and the Middle East being one of the major regions for FOREIGN POLICY - one should know it.
But, there he was, saying ' I dunno'.
Asked about the policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, and what he would do differently than President Obama, there it came again, ' I dunno'.
This week?
In an interview with PBS, Cain appears to suggest that Americans should consider China dangerous in part because they’re pursuing “nuclear capability.” In fact, China tested its first nuclear device in 1964 and has had a stockpile of warheads for decades.
He really was going to do it. He really was going to go onto the political stage with Sarah Palin-esque answers to foreign policy, and other issues.