Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bush-ite James Pinkerton Calls The Free Press "Obnoxious"

Listen to Bush-ite James Pinkerton as he talks about the recent public relations campaign by George Bush in his effort to sell the War in Iraq. Pinkerton uses the terms “scruffy & obnoxious” , “hostile”, “noisy”, & “feisty”, in describing the Free Press in this Country, just because they are asking questions. UNREAL! Isn't that what the Press is supposed to do? The Bush administration has hidden from the Press and the people for so long, that they really are not used to questions. The Bush administration usually only takes scripted, pre-approved questions from their own (fake, decoy) reporters who they plant in the Press Pool.

I guess Conservatives don't believe in this part of "Democracy"- A Free Press. Yet they preach the importance of a Free Press to other countries, telling them what to do. The hypocrisy is endless with these guys.

However, I do agree with his analysis of the Bush Administration strategy. Pinkerton is correct. The current media frenzy from the White House and Pentagon are well orchestrated to turn things around and to make Non-Republicans look like out of step extremists. The Bush administration is good at turning things around and making Americans believe that the things that they are seeing and hearing about Iraq are not true. What makes the Bush administration all-powerful is their control over American media....and they usually use this to great effect. They usually get what they want, even when struggling in opinion polls (the 2004 election is a perfect example. The State-run American media defeated John Kerry as much as anything else. It wasn't Bush that defeated Kerry. Kerry was defeated due to gross mistakes in the Kerry camp, and ultimately because of the media, which made sure that he would not be President).

Follow link to listen to story from the Public Radio Program "On The Media".
Listen to story titled "Calling On Helen".

Or copy and paste direct audio link below.


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