Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Some videos about the GOP Clown Car

There's been a lot of craziness going around with the GOP Clown Car. But, Youtube is always there.

Here's Governor Good Hair. IF you can tell me what the hell he's talking about, good for you. I'll only ask..

Riddle me this, ladies and gentlemen...what would have happened to then-Senator Barack Obama if he had given a speech like this during the 2008 campaign season? You know the answer.

From Rachel Maddow:

Rachel Maddow shares video clips of a Rick Perry speech in New Hampshire in which the Texas governor and Republican presidential hopeful displayed bizarre and inexplicable speech patterns and mannerisms. This is a twofer-slamming Good Hair AND she sneaks in a slam of WILLARD as a bonus.

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This is one of Rev. Al's best segments -EVER.

I've said it before, I LOVE it when Rev. Al calls Mittens ' WILLARD'.

Cracks me up everytime.

Here's his segment - using himself as a double - on WILLARD, THE HUMAN PRETZEL.


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Then there was David Plouffe's appearance on Meet the Press Sunday, where he skewered Willard.

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This was actually a good piece on Willard and his malleable spine:

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a HUNTSMAN ad on Willard

And for one of their prime possible VP Nominees - Senator Mario ' Anchor Baby' Rubio, this wonderful piece from Hardball. The contempt they feel for Rubio , now that his lies have been exposed, and he's just another immigrant story, just drips through the tv screen.

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