Saturday, January 08, 2011

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords on being put on Sarah Palin's ' crosshairs' website

This is from months ago. Please note Chuck Todd being a smartass in dismissing Rep. Giffords' concerns about the ' atmosphere' that was being created, as well as the eery comments by Rep. Gifford.


  1. YTZGal1:33 PM

    I see you conveniently left off the blog post where Mark Moulitias from Daily Kos also put a "bullseye" on her as someone not progressive enough, or mentioned the blog post on Kos on Jan6th that "Giffords is dead to me ".... or the fact that the Democratic party as well has used a map with "targets" and "bulls-eyes" of Republicans.

    Your hypocrisy is breathtaking, but entirely predictable.

    Intellectual honesty has never been a high water mark for the Progressives.

  2. YTZGal said...
    I see you conveniently left off the blog post where Mark Moulitias from Daily Kos also put a "bullseye" on her as someone not progressive enough, or mentioned the blog post on Kos on Jan6th that "Giffords is dead to me "....

    I am not sure how much you understand English but 'dead to me means that the person no longer exists not that that person is wanted dead.

    or the fact that the Democratic party as well has used a map with "targets" and "bulls-eyes" of Republicans.

    Did you hear any Democrats talk about 'reloading'(Sarah Palin) or 'Second Amendment remedies' ( Sharron Angle)?

    It's called context YTZGal.

  3. Truthiz12:26 PM

    My grandmother (now deceased) loved the phrase "two wrongs don't make a right."

    IMO, both sides (Repubs and Dems) have behaved reprehensibly at times; their extremisms, over the top, to say the least. Are the Repubs more to blame for the poisonous and_dare I say_DEADLY political climate in America today? You're darn skippy.

    But the Dems (liberals) have engaged in some pretty Hateful rhetoric and behavior too.

    Angry, and/or mentally disturbed people can't always process that all the CRAP is just a "game" to politicians and the media.

    Angry, and/or mentally disturbed people can't always "dial it back" or "settle down" when stoked into emotional overdrive.

    I don't expect either side to "Cut the CRAP." I just wonder how many more people have to die before the majority of Americans say....

