Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sometimes Reality Is Stranger Than Fiction

God please make it stop!

SNL couldn't come close to this. This video has been viewed almost 2.5 million times on youtube within the span of about 4 days.

Funny in a strange sort of way....but even more disturbing. This has to be one of the most disturbing, and scary women in politics. She's a walking Horror Show to me. She is surpassed only by Hillary Clinton on the Horror Scale.

I can only hope that she doesn't enter National politics again. Although it appears as though she is developing a cult following... many are the leftover Clinton supporters (no surprise that Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton in many cases share the same supporters. Two apples from the same poison tree...of which we will all be taking our dosage real soon). Charles Manson had a cult following too....

I was hoping that after November 4th, I wouldn't have to mention this woman's name anymore.... But the media doesn't seem to want to let the Horror Show end. How clueless can these Republicans get? Does it bottom out at some point....or do we just continue this downward spiral? I just read yesterday...that an RNC Chair was part of an all-white social/golfing club. This is in light of the obvious and well reported racial disparities within the Republican Party over the past several months. So the first thing they do after the election to pick up the pieces is to go even further in the wrong direction. It's this kind of foolishness that makes me want to take Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, Ward Connerly, and all the rest of the Black Repubs...and line them up side by side.... to do one giant slap (reaching back as far as possible w/ my right).....and then asking them to reconcile their support for the GOP.

Anyway... i'm floating off in a direction that I didn't even intend to go in.... (this is what they do to me).

Caught this video over at the Culture Kitchen, thanks to Liza Sabater. See her comments.


  1. Hi there, I've seen your comments so often, I just decided to check out your blog.

    How's Palin more horrific than Hilary?!

    Both definitely seem cold.

  2. She's a nightmare, AI. It's so odd, but she's like Norma Desmond - she's going off stage kicking and screaming.

    Did you see Keith Olbermann's take on this last night - hilarious and brutal.

  3. Miriam wrote:

    "How's Palin more horrific than Hilary?!"

    You might have misread something I wrote... But I stated the opposite. I wrote that only Hillary was worse.

    Yes... Both ARE cold indeed. The difference: with Hillary.... I feel she's so smart that she knows what she's doing at all times... that makes her more dangerous.

    As opposed to Palin who's just plain clueless half the time. So some of her antics are not her fault.

    In the case of this vid... I don't know. Some of the Culture kitchen readers are saying that she was aware of what was taking place... who knows... but it's one of the strangest interviews i've seen in a while.

  4. Rikyrah...

    No I didn't see KO... didn't even realize he was back. He took a LOoooong break. lol.

    Should we put the video up? You know I love when KO is on top of his game.
    I'll look for it and post it.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  5. Anonymous9:36 AM

    A week later. Not a WORD from PETA. Hmm.
