Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Obama and Intellectualism

President George Bush, deliberately or not, (I believe deliberately) cultivated a policy of disassociating policy from reason or logic. Nicholas Kristoff sees in Obama a president who will allow intellectual debate to run rampant in the halls of the White House. Kristoff sees Obama as a president who will allow intellectuals free reign to shape policy, whereas under Bush eggheads were taken out to the woodshed to be beaten by Karl Rove.

While I make light of this issue, in reality this is serious business. Ignoring the scientific community on global warming and stem cell research and Middle East experts on the true hazards of invading Iraq have only stunted American growth, prestige, and treasure.

The policy of alienating intellectuals was done for political reasons. If you'll notice, right-wing radio and Fox News repeatedly bash the "liberal elite." In their infinite wisdom, Republicans decided that since they represent "Joe the plumber," all those who aren't (metaphorically speaking) plumbers must be evil liberal elite intellectuals. This shaming of intellect has been bad for the GOP and bad for the country.

1 comment:

  1. “This shaming of intellect has been bad for the GOP and bad for the country.”

    Hear! Hear!

    And would that THAT were the only act of utter madness committed by the GOP against itself and this nation over the past 30 years!

    It’s pretty clear now that the death-bed plea of GOP strategist, Lee Atwater (the father of slash-and-burn politics) to cease, and desist, the politics of demonizing, demagoguery and division_fell on deaf ears.

    Lee’s protégé, Karl Rove took the despicable “game” to a whole other level of insanity, further stoking the flames of racial and cultural prejudices, xenophobia, homophobia, paranoia and religious fundamentalism _which ultimately led to the rejection of “elitism”, code for higher education (particularly the sciences) and intellectualism. In their place emerged a celebration of ignorance, incompetence, corruption, brute force and Unjust wars.

    Which brings me to the GOP’s promoting a “Caesarism” or “authoritarian neocon commander-in-chief mentality”, whereby, the judgment of “the decider” is NOT to be questioned__ever.

    The rational being, that he /she is “chosen”_and therefore is trusted to preserve the “supremacy” and principles of “real Americans” who are also “real” patriots”_ d*mn the risks or the consequences.

    As I said at the top_

    Would that the “shaming of intellect” were the only act of madness committed by the GOP against itself and this nation over the past 30 years!
