Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain's Slave Catcher Cuts and Runs

Hat tip: Roland S. Martin

Just like his candidate.

A Punk A%^&*#$@!&@


  1. Oooh Wow!!!

    That was good.

    I have to admit...both men had good points.

    James should be allowed to vote and support who he wants...but he should also be prepared to fight (verbally) when he gives such fervent support to McCain/Palin at the same time that they are running such an ugly, (and some might say bigoted) campaign and such a dishonest campaign against Barack Obama. Even today we have Obama effigies being hung from trees, robo calls spreading nasty and dishonest rumors, and folks still yelling assassinate Obama at rallies.

    CNN was brilliant to bring on another Black Conservative.... absolutely brilliant. James didn't know how to deal with that.

    Shelley Wynter made a fairly good case....and made me LMBO at the end.

    Folks like James are only comfortable when they are in their own echo chambers. Instead of standing their ground and debating on logic...and making good arguments, they get frustrated and either call you a traitor, a fascist, a socialist, blow their stack and/or run away.
    I have noticed this with almost every Conservative that I debate.

  2. Hey Rikyrah,

    Check out the Villager...

    I have to admit.. I expected this to come... but it's still surreal.

  3. I saw it, AI. I wrote a post, but couldn't post it. It hurt. I KNEW it was coming, but it hurt me too much. If you want to post on it, go head. But, for the first time, when I saw it, my eyes teared up.

  4. Oh... i'm posting on this. Americans need to see it.... the World needs to see it. So I hope it gets the attention of as many bloggers as possible.

    Dr. West calls it "the night side of American Democracy"...and he believes we have to show it.
    Remember how Emmett Till's mother wanted the casket open... that's what that was all about.

    So i'll do a short post.

    This is what Lewis was talking about. Tone deaf McCain acted as if he was clueless and was a victim of an attack by Lewis... but John Lewis was telling the truth. (although he should have spoken up when Clinton did it... i'll never forget the RFK reference. I will remember that until the day I die.)

  5. "Folks like James are only comfortable when they are in their own echo chambers. Instead of standing their ground and debating on logic...and making good arguments, they get frustrated and either call you a traitor, a fascist, a socialist, blow their stack and/or run away. I have noticed this with almost every Conservative that I debate."

    Yep_that about sums it up AI.

    And that's about all one can expect from most modern-day Rethuglicans.

    H*ll,most of them are barely boderline intellectual functioning_and they have NO idea what real "Conservatism" means anyway.

    At the risk of repeating myself yet again_they truly are quite Pathetic.
