Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jon Burge Arrested

From The Chicago Sun-Times:

After decades of accusations, Burge finally faces charges
October 21, 2008

After decades of accusations of torture, former Chicago police commander Jon Burge finally appeared before a judge to face charges against him.

Dressed in a blue denim short-sleeved shirt and still sporting a shock of thick blond hair, Burge sat quietly in a Tampa federal courthouse, chatting with a court security officer and politely answering questions.

His friend, former Chicago Police Officer Thomas Brady who lives half a mile from Burge, handed his friend glasses he retrieved earlier from Burge’s Apollo Beach stucco home.

Burge put on the glasses, leaned back in his chair and started reading the indictment against him when the judge walked in. The judge asked if he had read the charges against him.

“I just started reading it when you got on the bench, your honor,” Burge answered in a thick Chicago accent.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Thomas B. McCoun III gave him time to read it and explained to him he was charged with crimes “dating back to the city of Chicago police department,” saying the allegations have to do with torture or physical abuse of inmates or detainees.

When I heard the news on the radio this morning, I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that the law had finally caught up with that sadist Burge. I'm from Illinois, the state that put 13 INNOCENT MEN ON DEATH ROW.

John Burge, and the false confessions he obtained from TORTURE, was responsible for several of those DEATH ROW SENTENCES.

Those were the ones caught in time.

I have cried tears for those that were not.

Related Articles:

A Good Day For Justice

Faith Restored

Read the indictment

Timeline of Burge Torture Accusations

State's Attorney Report

Judge Faces Torture Claims

Archive of Burge Stories

1 comment:

  1. I recall hearing about the abuse a few years back from Amy Goodman's program. She did some extensive reporting on this...and interviewed some of the people who were involved. (you may want to post the links... just go over to 'Democracy Now' and do a search).

    They had a system almost as bad as Abu Ghraib.

    Glad to see that the Feds decided to take some kind of action. Better late than never.
