Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Drum Major Instinct

I was going through my archives and ran across one of my favorite MLK Sermons - The Drum Major Instinct. This speech never gets old. With everything going on in the World, it always seems to be on target. Take a listen from one of my previous posts.

Unfortunately Barack Obama just doesn't seem to get it. John McCain? I don't expect him to get it... but I have been disappointed to learn over the last several months just how much Obama doesn't get it. (i'll be posting on that soon).

I wonder what MLK would think of Barack Obama if he were still with us. He would probably be o.k. with many of Obama's domestic policies.... but I am sure that MLK would have problems with Obama's hawkish foreign policy positions.


  1. " of my favorite MLK Sermons - The Drum Major Instinct. This speech never gets old. With everything going on in the World, it always seems to be on target."

    @AI- Well said, AMEN and Thank You for sharing the speech!

    I listened to it and was blown away by the depth of it's message. As you said, it's an "On Time" speech for the ages and most relevant in these times!

    You also wrote:

    "Unfortunately Barack Obama just doesn't seem to get it. John McCain? I don't expect him to get it... but I have been disappointed to learn over the last several months just how much Obama doesn't get it.(i'll be posting on that soon)."

    I'll look forward to reading that post.

    As to what Dr. King would think of Obama if he were still alive today?

    No doubt, he would note Barack's achievments. But in terms of Barack's policies (domestic and foreign) and politics, I think Dr. King would be most troubled by the fact that Barack seems incapable of taking a straight-forward and principled stand on practically any given issue.

    I honestly doubt if there's ANY issue that Barack is willing to go to the mat and fight for simpl because he believes is "the right thing' to do, regardless of the outcome.

    If the polls say "flip"_Barack WILL flip, in a heart-beat.

    As I see it, Barack's "stand" is more than often than not, a calculated position that comes across as politically expedient, superficial and at times, a sell-out.

    Specifically regarding his foreign policy:

    The man appears to be morphing into the NeoCONS 3rd best friend_right behind George Dubya and John McSenile.

    Am I highly critical of Barack? You're darn skippy I am and have been for quite some time!

    He needs to climb down off that perch his azz has been sitting on for months and GET A CLUE and start earning_really earning_his way into the White House or this country will "turn the page" on him in November.

  2. Thanks Truthiz,

    You wrote:

    "I think Dr. King would be most troubled by the fact that Barack seems incapable of taking a straight-forward and principled stand on practically any given issue."

    You hit the nail right on the head with that one. Few if any "Principled Stands". This is why I don't feel like I know who this man is. He's like a book with a blank cover.... and the more pages I flip through.... the more I find that I just can't sign on to.

    With your comments regarding his foreign policy..... I might have to borrow that phrase. lol

    I think you know where i'm going with my upcoming Obama post.

    I really wish there was a legit viable third option to vote for... a viable third party.

    November will be a choice between the Demon and the Devil.
