Thursday, August 28, 2008

Democratic National Convention - Thursday Night Open Thread


I sometimes wonder when you're caught up in the moment, do you forget to take the step back and realize you are watching history.

Since the beginning of this campaign, I've looked for good pictures to pierce through the heart of the matter. Here are three that have always stuck with me.

I loved this one because...look at her face. Everyone else around her is expressing their enthusiasm, yet there she is, calm, smile on her face. A smile so deep, and a look in her eyes of utter amazement at what is happening. She truly thought, I believe, that she would die before seeing this possibility.

HISTORY: It is the 53rd Anniversary of the Murder of Emmett Till.

These two gentlemen. They went to a rally in their Sunday best. Of course they did. Look at their faces. They don't believe they're here. At this moment in time.

HISTORY:It is the 45th Anniversary of the March on Washington.

This young man's name is Roy Powell. This is going to be his first Presidential vote. The image of this young Black man, standing in what could be considered conservative dress, but adding his own flavor - the glasses -in front of the American flag - I feel so proud just looking at him.

Tonight is the night.

History will be made.

Discuss People!!


  1. It's about 8:20 PM EST Thursday evening and I'm just waiting on "The" big moment. It's gonna move me in a major way...of that I am sure!

    And I will no doubt remember this night for the rest of my life.

    BTW Rikyrah: Great pictures!

  2. Jennifer Hudson killed it.

    Loved ' Yes.I.Can.'
    Can you feel it in the air?

  3. I have done nothing but watch everything Obama and Biden today.

    Wasn't Jennifer Hudson's rendition of the National Athem wonderful.

    I called my cousins in South Carolina.

    Sent in my monthly donation to Obama/Biden 2008.

    Found the words onlineto Sam Cooke's "A Change is Coming."

    Made my turkey sandwich and make a extra batch of homemade ice tea.

    Totally prepared to block out McCain's pathetic - "Job Well Done" ad to air on this momentous night.

    I'm ready.

  4. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I am a witness to history; I am truly blessed.

  5. I am a happy woman. I am truly happy.

    Happy because the brotha pulled out the stops and took some great stabs at the Rethuglican base.

    Yes, I think that his beginning was a little soft and slow. But after he got going, he got going.

    I am looking forward to the debates, where we will get more specifics.

    Y'all, I'm so inspired!

    But I am bracing myself for the Rethuglican response that is sure to attack and sure to be a profound attempt to dismantle Obama's success.

  6. I thought he took it to him.

    Don't bother me about my patriotism.

    let's talk about your temperment and judgement, old man.

  7. From The New Republic Blogs:

    --The most powerful moment for this viewer was midway through the speech when the camera cut away (once again) to Michelle Obama gazing up at her husband. She did not look in awe of the man at the podium, nor did she seem to be acting for the camera. Rather, she looked extraordinarily proud of her husband and life partner, and the expression on her face radiated all of the ups and downs of what must be an exhausting stage in their life together. Her face reminded me, more than anything else, of the look Ingrid Berman gives Paul Henreid in Casablanca after he demands that the band at Rick's play La Marseillaise. Tonight's moment only lasted a few seconds, but the evening was worthwhile for it alone.

    --Isaac Chotiner
