Thursday, July 10, 2008

With Friends Like These..................

From Chicago Tribune:

Jackson to Obama: Sorry!
by Clarence Page

This has to be some sort of new speed record. The Rev. Jesse Jackson has issued an apology this afternoon for a story that has not even been reported yet.

"For any harm or hurt that this hot mic private conversation may have caused, I apologize," the statement from the Operation Push president begins. "My support for Senator (Barack) Obama's campaign is wide, deep and unequivocal. I cherish this redemptive and historical moment...."

Oh? What "hot mic," as in "microphone" conversation about Obama is Jackson talking about?

Well, Swamp fans, as Jackson explained to me by telephone, his remarks occurred during an off-air moment during a Fox News Channel interview that aired Sunday.

Jackson didn't realize that the mics were still "hot," as in turned on and recording when he made a few off-the-cuff remarks about Obama's faith-based programs.

Bill O'Reilly has the story and plans to report it on his Fox program, "The O'Reilly Factor" tonight.

Even though O'Reilly has booked me and another guest to respond to the video, he is withholding a full transcript or recording of Jackson's remarks even from me until the program airs.

So far I have only been told by a producer that Jackson criticizes Obama's proposed faith-based programs for "talking down to black people."

Rest of article at link above.


Jesse should know better. I take it on faith that even the bathrooms are bugged at Fox Noise, so never say anything you wouldn't want made public while there.

Obama didn't need this crap.

I'll say it again: Jesse knows better.


  1. Anonymous8:02 AM

    You know, I told my wife when Obama was winning states I never thought he'd win that he will be done in by our own people. People of African American decent to put it more accurately because these so called 'leaders' are definitely not MY people.

  2. I have always said that if racist whites didn't try to take Obama down, then these liberal Civil Rights Industrial Complex "not black enough" chanting negroes most certainly would.

    This only confirms what some have suspected- that the Civil Rights Industrial Complex doesn't really like the idea of an Obama Presidency. To them, he represents a new kind of Black leadership that might put them out of business. This is why so many of them supported Hillary Clinton for so long (and continue to support her).

    And I also sense a little envy from the ultimate rider of coattails.... and Chairman of Civil Rights Inc. Jesse Jackson. This has been bothering him for a while - Obama stealing the spotlight.

    This is just a continuation of the "you aren't Black enough" bull---. It's another way of saying it.

    Whenever a Black person points out problems in so called "Black America", and points out the personal responsibility involved... or if they strive to do something great and they value education, he or she always ALWAYS comes under attack from the "Black Community". They must always deal with the majority of negroes turning on them and calling them Uncle Toms, not really black, claim that they are "acting white", that they want to be white, etc etc etc.

    This reminds me of how I was treated by Blacks... BY BLACKS... when I was a youngster in school.... from 5th grade through my Senior year. Obama is going through the same thing right now (and I predicted that he would), only on a bigger scale. But I love how Obama has dealt with Civil Rights Inc. He has refused to bow down to them...and he deals with them on his terms. And they can't stand it.

    Dealing with these negroes will be worse than dealing with John McCain and the Right.

    Being Black is like being born with Cancer.... A cancer that never f-----g goes away. Because you constantly have to deal with this kind of bull----.

    This is the first time that I can honestly say that I empathize with Obama. If he can fight off McCain and the Racist Right... that will be an impressive accomplishment indeed. But if he can fight off these negroes...especially the selfish, envious, backstabbing, corrupt, no good, conniving negroes who make up the Black elite, then he really will have my support because that will truly be a hard fought accomplishment.

  3. Rikyrah,

    This only brings me closer to Obama... (although I don't embrace him 110%.... I don't embrace any politician to that degree anyway)...but it brings me closer to the Obama camp.

  4. Okay….where do I began?!

    Aside from the fact that I’ve never been a fan of the PRETENDER _aka “Rev.” Jackson...hearing ANY Black man say that he wants to CASTRATE another Black-man for ANY reason is beyond ANYTHING I would’ve ever imagined coming from the mouth of even this charlatan!

    Barack is a politician, he doesn't "walk on water" to me and I'm all for Critiquing him on his politics and policies just as do with any other politician. The truthiz, if Barack delivers on even 10% of what he's promised I'll be surprised_happy but surprised!

    However, Jackson's "cutting" words were nothing less than a Personal attack on Obama.

    Since WHEN does emphasizing, to a predominantly Black crowd, education, hard-work and taking personal responsibility for one’s actions and the caring of one’s family _fathers being REAL fathers and mothers being REAL mothers to their children_ mean that Barack (or any other Black speaker for that matter) is “talking down” to Black people?!

    I’m a Black female and very much proud to have been raised in a Black family where ALL of those values and principles _AND MORE_were (and are) taught, and STRONGLY reinforced, practically, from birth. It’s “the norm” in my family.

    I think Jackson's appalling comments speak to a larger issue:

    Much like Bill Clinton, Jesse Jackson doesn’t “GET IT”!

    The Clintons and their ilk, Revs Jackson and Sharpton and their ilk have had their “ERA”_ and IMO, blew it BIG TIME. Now their ERA is done!

    The majority of Black Americans ain’t trying to hear so-called “Black leaders” and their Democratic “Masters” anymore.

    Those people do NOT speak for Me and as far as I'm concerned, by their "deeds" they are showing Us their "True" colors.

    Until certain members of the “OLD” guard understand that NO MAN can stop “Time” and Progress, that NO MAN can stop the Future_certain members of the OLD guard will continue to get BURNED (and rightly so) on the harsh fires of Reality.

  5. On second thought, I need to revise my first paragragh because I have NO problem with Rapists being castrated, Black or white.

    My paragraph should read:

    Aside from the fact that I’ve never been a fan of the PRETENDER _aka “Rev.” Jackson...hearing Jackson say that he wants to CASTRATE Obama, for ANY reason, is beyond ANYTHING I would’ve ever imagined coming from the mouth of even that charlatan!

  6. "Since WHEN does emphasizing, to a predominantly Black crowd, education, hard-work and taking personal responsibility for one’s actions and the caring of one’s family _fathers being REAL fathers and mothers being REAL mothers to their children_ mean that Barack (or any other Black speaker for that matter) is “talking down” to Black people?!"

    EXACTLY Truthiz!!!

    This is what has me baffled about the so-called "Black Community" and the folks who they see as their "leaders".

    They have their priorities and value systems turned inside out. At some point over the last 40 years, they lost their way in terms of the kind of values they hold dear.

    There seems to be this unwritten rule in the "Black community" that you must not criticize Black behavior, or so-called Black Culture...and you can't raise the issue of personal responsibility.

    I guess this is why Jesse and Co. have always skirted around these issues. At least Barack isn't afraid to jump into the fire and bring these topics matter how dirty the laundry is.

    Jesse has always been more concerned with satisfying the masses and remaining popular....he was always reluctant to raise these issues out of fear that he would lose his position as the Black Saviour (he ended up losing that position anyway with his own skeletons)....

    Finally we have someone like Barack Obama, as well as folks like Bill Cosby and others...who aren't afraid to talk about these issues.

  7. "Jesse has always been more concerned with satisfying the masses and remaining popular....he was always reluctant to raise these issues out of fear that he would lose his position as the Black Saviour (he ended up losing that position anyway with his own skeletons)...."

    You're right AI, the man is driven in large part by a NEED to be seen as "Popular" and a "leader" of Black America.

    But, IMO, that's where the concerns of Jackson and white and Black "elites" in BOTH political parties ends.

    "Elites" have always been first, and foremost, concerned about themselve$, lining their pocket$, while enjoying the illu$ion that they care about the masses, whom they seek to manipulate, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, daily!

    The rise of Obama and other Independent-thinking Black Leaders, threatens the power of the OLD guard and the OLD world order.

    If we're fortunate, the Sun is setting on their SORRY azzez, as the collective Black community STOPS and really begins to take stock of all the cultural, political, social, economic and educational ground we've lost, as a people, over the past 40 years while those Opportunistic para$ites kept peddling:

    "You're all VICTIMS so don't worry. WE'RE gonna take care of You. We'll get the government (and ANYBODY else we can extort money from) to give "Us" Mo money, MO money, MO money so that "WE" can decide how best to take care of "Y'all". In the meantime, just trust Us, WE represent you."

  8. An inability to stay quiet is one of the conspicuous failings of mankind. ~Walter Bagehot
    Never so true!

  9. Anonymous2:50 PM

    join Zookers Radio Program on Friday, July 11th @ 8:00 central as we talk about Rev. Jackson.

  10. Anonymous3:27 PM

    From Blacks4Barack...

    Rev. Jesse Jackson Makes
    B4B Official 'Obama Hater List'

    Thanks to the now infamous 'Nut-Gate' comment made by Rev. Jesse Jackson, Blacks4Barack has received numerous requests to have Jackson placed on the Obama Hater Watch List. In order to comply with the overwhelming requests we have chosen to add the Rev. on a temporary basis (still being respectful).

    Visit to see the complete Official Obama Hater List. Obama news updates, photos, Celebs 4 Obama, volunteer info, videos, voter registration, Create-Your-Own Obama Logo (FREE), SpeakOut4Obama, Join B4B, Media Lies of the Week and Much More !

    Blacks4Barack !
    A Multi-Racial, Net/Grassroots Org...
    Dedicated To Truth !

  11. Anonymous6:55 PM

    From Blacks4Barack...
    MUST READ New Article !

    Is This Why Jesse Hates Obama ?
    An Open Letter From Najee Ali

    To read visit:

    A Multi-Racial, Net/Grassroots Org...
    Dedicated To Truth !
