Saturday, July 05, 2008

One of the Last Vestiges of the Old South Died Yesterday; And I Say Don't Pass Go

I Would Offer You Some Ice Water Jesse, But....

Former Senator Jesse Helms, one of the most influencial neo-Conservative politicians of the past few decades, has died at 86. Helms came from the mold of George Wallace and segregationist Dixiecrat Strom Thurman. He gained a reputation for being the most bigoted, anti-gay, anti-progressive member of the U.S. Senate over the past 3 decades. Americans either loved him or could not stand him. There was not much room for middle ground, since compromise was not a big part of his vocabulary.

The Jim Crow era is losing more and more of its relics. As these remnants die off, the era that created them passes further into the background of American History.

More On The Background of Jesse Helms

1 comment:

  1. "The Jim Crow era is losing more and more of its relics. As these remnants die off, the era that created them passes further into the background of American History."

    Following up on your thought AI__

    The truthiz, I'd like to think that, as more and more good ole "BOYS" of the "Jim Crow" era dies, the era that created them is buried further into the ground_ or GRAVEYARD_where DIScredited and absolutely Evil America ideologies lay beneath the dirt.

    Eras that led/lead to the mass sufferings of a people and a deliberate and total disregard for humanity.

    NeoCON rats are already scurring to TRY to RE-write the history of DUBYA and DICK's collosal foreign policy disaster known as IRAQ and the role the neoCONS played in that disaster.

    I trust that the day draws near when "neoCONservatism" will find its way to that same Graveyard!
