Monday, May 19, 2008

Through the Looking Glass......Senator Robert Byrd Endorses Barack Obama

Hat tip: DailyKos

From the Charleston Gazette:

Byrd endorses Obama for president
Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., endorsed Barack Obama for president shortly after noon today, focusing on his hope to end the Iraq War.
By Paul J. Nyden
Staff writer

Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., endorsed Barack Obama for president shortly after noon today, focusing on his hope to end the Iraq War.

"As people all across this great nation know, I have been one of the most outspoken opponents of the Bush administration's misguided war in Iraq and its saber rattling around the globe," Byrd said.

He said he had "no intention of involving myself in the Democratic campaign for President in the midst of West Virginia's primary election. But the stakes this November could not be higher."

Byrd praised both Obama and Hillary Clinton, saying their "integrity, honor, love for this country and strong belief in our Constitution I deeply respect...

"Barack Obama is a noble-hearted patriot and humble Christian, and he has my full faith and support," Byrd concluded.

The symbolism cannot be lost on our very astute Mirror On America readers.


  1. Byrd has come a mighty long way in his 190 years of life. :)

    He could be the "poster boy" for "change". lol i'll just leave it at that and welcome the endorsement.

    Of course I could probably set my watch and predict approx. when the looney tunes "Not Black Enough" Black crowd will attack Obama for accepting the endorsement.

    10, 9, 8, 7, 6.....

    If it's not xenophobic, bigoted, & gullible Whites who are trying to destroy him... it's the "Not Black Enough" Black crowd who have tried to shoot him down... at least that seemed to be the case in the beginning.

    Although I really don't care what either of those blocks think... it will be interesting to see their see how predictable it is.

  2. Well I'll be damned. Robert C (as in Cu Clux Clanman) Byrd has endorsed a black man for anything outside of a lynching party.

    The suprises keep coming.

  3. I guess I should stop being a hater. After all, this does signify a dramatic turnabout in our nation's shameful history. I mean, if a former Klansman or all people can reform to support a person who -- less than 60 years ago -- he'd give everything to suppress, all can't be lost. Right?

  4. Glad to hear it...but, boy-o-boy, that is WEIRD!

    He was the archtypal cracker when I was growing up.

    Too bad the rest of em won't change too! ;)
