Thursday, May 22, 2008

Obama Begins VP Search

From Marc Ambinder:

Quietly, Obama Begins The Quest To Find A Running Mate

Very quietly, Sen. Barack Obama has begun the process that will end in his choosing a running mate, Democrats inside and outside the campaign said.

Obama has sworn a small group of his senior staff to secrecy. He is determined to start the vice presidential search on his own schedule and has said publicly, and repeatedly, that he will not talk about ticket-mates until the race for the nomination itself concludes.

But on his behalf, staffers are putting together a team to assist the search committee, and a hand-full of Democrats connected with the campaign will start to pull together dossiers (based only on open source research and press clippings at this point) on a large number of potential picks so that Obama can have something to read when he starts to think about the choice.

By June 4, the day after Democrats finish voting, the campaign hopes to have a full team in place.

"He wants this done right," said one person who is privy to the candidate and campaign's thinking on the matter. "He takes this very seriously."

James A. Johnson, who vetted potential nominees for Sen. John Kerry in 2004, is playing a major role. He has advised Obama and the campaign about the architecture of the process, though it is not clear whether he will reprise his role as head of the search committee. Ex-Sen. Tom Daschle is also providing advice.

"As always, we don't have anything to say about it," said Dan Pfeiffer, Obama's deputy communications director.

Rest of article at link above.


So, Mirror On America readers, who would you like to see on the ticket with Obama.

Some of my prospects:

1. Richardson - Latino, qualified up the ying yang. But, would Black AND Brown scare too much of America?
2. McCaskill- Woman, From a swing state, she's been a very good surrogate for Obama.
3. Webb - Military man, former GOPer, can do the John Wayne stance so many Americans fall for, but could be a problem with the feminists.
4. Governor of Montana - I see him pushed on a lot of the Progressive blogs; the man speaks fluent Arabic, which automatically makes him sorta interesting.
5. Feingold- The Progressive's Progressive. But, he's Jewish and single - can't seem to keep a wife.

Of course, for me, it could be Obama/Winnie the Pooh....

I'm of the ANYBODY BUT CLINTON camp.

The latest piece of sanity on this garbage idea: Not the ticket of dreams

You DO realize that the only ones pushing this garbage is Hillpatine supporters.

I'm with our Obama Brothers and Sisters in Oregon who made it quite clear: 62% said, I.don' when polled about Clinton being the VP choice for Obama.


  1. What about Gen Wes Clark?

  2. I used to admire Gen. Clark but his close ties to the Clintons have now turned me off.

    And I know that the media parrots are now suggesting that Barack will have to pick a Clinton surrogate to satisfy the Clintons and their supporters.

    I think that's bullsh*t!

    The Clintons will only settle for Hillary being Obama's VP choice_that's why Bill and other surrogates are pushing hard behind the scenes trying to muscle Barack into choosing her!

    But I digress.

    Right now, I'm strongly leaning towards Sen. Jim Webb and I even like the Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel.
