Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nevada Statewide Convention: Obama 14 Delegates, Clinton 11

Hat tip: truthseeker at JJP

From the blog, The Field

Nevada Statewide Convention: Obama 14 Delegates, Clinton 11
By Al Giordano

Today’s news from Nevada confirms that there’s been “many a slip twixt the cup and the lip” when it comes to last January 19th’s declarations that Clinton had “won” the Nevada caucuses.

First came the reality-check that Obama’s greater support in the state’s rural counties provided him with one more delegate - thirteen in total - to Clinton’s twelve.

Today came the final step in the process from precinct caucuses to county conventions to the statewide convention. The Reno Gazette-Journal reports:

U.S. Sen. Barack Obama succeeded in driving more supporters to the Nevada state convention than his opponent U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton, who had won the state in the Jan. 19 caucuses. Obama essentially reversed Clinton’s lead from the caucuses, capturing 55 percent of the state delegates to Clinton’s 45 percent.

The heavy turnout earned Obama one more delegate to the national convention, than previously expected based on the caucus results.

The final tally: Obama won 14 national delegates and Clinton won 11 national delegates. Under the caucus results, Obama was expected to win 13 national delegates to Clinton’s 12. Although Clinton won the caucuses, Obama out-performed her in rural Nevada and Washoe County.

The convention has one more delegate to name, although that person goes to the national convention unpledged.

Some Clinton supporters have begun to give up and, despite being elected delegates, stayed home, while the Obama grassroots organization proved tireless, taking no prisoners, and grabbing another Democratic National Convention delegate away from the tired Clinton camp, for a net gain of +2.

See Also: Patrick Coolican’s Happier Days for Democrats in today’s Las Vegas Sun.


I guess it was all those latte-sipping Black folk in RURAL NEVADA that put Obama over the top. (yes, sarcasm dripping here)

Even now, Obama's campaign keeps its nose to the grindstone and doesn't lose focus. Don't tell me he hasn't earned everything in this campaign; his organization, from top to bottom, has been first-rate.

1 comment:

  1. So will they count Nevada as an Obama win?

    I won't hold my breath waiting for the media to get it right.

    They are still providing erroneous info about the delegate outcome from Texas....annoys the heck out of me when I hear the talking heads repeat this script over and over again.
