Sunday, May 25, 2008

Let's Make Some Phone Calls to the CBC

Let's use the fingertips to reach out and touch these CBC folks.

These are either Uncommitted CBC Members or HHH.

It's time for a little activism around here.
I'd like to know where Hillpatine's APOLOGY to Senator and Mrs. Obama is, for starters, but, I'm sure that you all will be creative enough to find your own questions you'd like answers to, namely what's their justification for supporting Hillpatine, if they've declared for her, and if they are uncommitted, it's time for them to get off the pot.

Nobody will be working tomorrow, of course, but you can leave emails, and possibly voicemails for them, or call on Tuesday to their local offices, which will be listed on the websites.

Corrine Brown--- Clinton (Florida - 3rd)
2336 Rayburn
(202) 225-0123
Corrine Brown Website

Delegate Donna Christian-Christensen ---Clinton (U.S. Virgin Islands - At-large)
(non voting congressional delegate)
Donna Christensen Website

Yvette Clarke---Clinton (New York - 11th)
1029 Longworth
(202) 225-6231
Yvette Clarke Website

Emanuel Cleaver ---Clinton (Missouri - 5th)
1641 Longworth
(202) 225-4535
Emanuel Cleaver Website

Jim Clyburn---Neutral (South Carolina - 6th)
2135 Rayburn
(202) 225-3315
James Clyburn Website

Alcee Hastings---Clinton (Florida - 23rd)
2353 Rayburn
(202) 225-1313
Alcee Hastings Website

William J. Jefferson--- Uncommitted (Louisiana - 2nd)
2113 Rayburn
(202) 225-6636
William Jefferson Website

Stephanie Tubbs Jones---Clinton (Ohio - 11th)
1009 Longworth
(202) 225-7032
Stephanie Tubbs-Jones Website

Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick ---Uncommitted (Michigan - 13th)
2264 Rayburn
(202) 225-2261
Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick Website

Sheila Jackson Lee ---Clinton (Texas - 18th)
2435 Rayburn
(202) 225-3816
Sheila Jackson-Lee Website

Kendrick Meek --- Clinton (Florida - 17th)
1039 Longworth
(202) 225-4506
Kendrick Meek Website

Gregory Meeks--- Clinton (New York - 6th)
2342 Rayburn
(202) 225-3461
Gregory Meeks Website

Charles B. Rangel--- Clinton (New York - 15th)
2354 Rayburn
(202) 225-4365
Charles Rangel Website

Laura Richardson ---Clinton (California - 37th)
2233 Rayburn
(202) 225-7924
Laura Richardson Website

Edolphus Towns--- Clinton (New York - 10th)
2232 Rayburn
(202) 225-5936
Edolphus Towns Website

Maxine Waters--- Clinton (California - 35th)
2344 Rayburn
(202) 225-2201
Maxine Waters Website

Diane Watson--- Clinton (California - 33rd)
125 Cannon
(202) 225-7084
Diane Watson Website


  1. Thanks for the links.

    I just can't understand these CBC people.

    This is another irrelevant legacy the NAACP.

    Their continued loyalty to the Clintons is incredible, especially after all of the racial undertones and overtones from this nomination race.

    If I were Barack I would repudiate the organization.... Actually, if I were him there would be no need to repudiate the organization... because I would have never joined in the first place.

    There was at least one other Black Congressmember (I believe it was a woman from the State of Georgia) who won a mid-term seat...and she refused to join.

    This is what the new generation Black Congressmembers should do in order to finally put an end to the CBC. It should have been gone yesterday.

    There should be no race based Caucuses IMO, at least not any formal groups.

    That would mean that the Hispanic Caucus would also have to disband...

    I'd love to see Barack Obama push a Bill to end race based Congressional Caucus's (although active working groups for specific legislation would be o.k.). He could do it either as President, or as a Senator.

    Not going to happen, but I would love to see it. It would be poetic justice for the way the CBC treated him.

    The legislation would probably pass....if someone was brave enough to introduce it.

  2. Thanks for the list. Reading it caused all kind of emotions to storm through my head. Looking at those names, one by one, all names that I recognize, some names that I have admired in times past-really did trip me out.
    I'll do my part, and I'll pass this list along to others.
