Saturday, April 05, 2008

Convince the Superdelegate

I found this over at the blog- The Field.

Convince the Superdelegate

The Field announces the opportunity of the 2008 campaign…

Convince a Superdelegate!

Yes, that’s right, folks. Here at Dr. Al’s School for Gifted Commenters, we’ve got a live one: Debra Kozikowski - a.k.a. The Boss - is a living, breathing and uncommitted Superdelegate to the Democratic National Convention in August.

She’s been uncommitted ever since her candidate, John Edwards, left the contest.

Some minutes ago, on another thread, she posted this invitation right here on The Field:

“Here’s your challenge. Think about me wearing my super duper hat reading your posts. Convince me why I should deliver my superdelegate vote to Senator Obama or for the minority here who support Senator Clinton — you too can rise to the ocassion with civility and grace.”

Yee-ha! You, and only you, Field Hands, have the chance to succeed at what the candidates and their surrogates have so far not achieved: Putting forth your best cases for why Superdelegate Deb Kozikowski should cast her vote in August for your candidate.

I know that our readers here at Mirror On America can write quite eloquently as to whom they believe Ms.Kozikowski should support. All you have to do is register and a ' clean' response will be published by the Head Blogger - Al Giordano.

I look forward to reading some convincing arguments over there. I've already given my two responses...LOL


  1. Obama is damaged goods. He's done. You could probably stick a fork in him right about now.

    That's one of the reasons why I lost interest in this circus.
    Hillary's race baiting campaign has done serious damage to Obama and his hopes for the nomination, especially in the context of the General Election. Even if Obama somehow stops the bleeding enough to win the nomination, the General (s)election will be a different story. Obama will have to garner a larger range of support in the General election as compared to the Democratic nomination...and it's going to be a steeper hill for him to climb in the General to accomplish that mission.

    Clinton has taken race, Rev. Wright, etc...& has tied it around Obama's neck with a ball & chain. It is going to weigh on him not only for the remainder of his campaign...but for the rest of his political career.

    I never thought that either Clinton or Obama were very electable from the beginning.... and now they are even more unelectable... especially Obama.
    Everything that I had predicted earlier on seems to be materializing. The media has duped Democrats (by steering voters like sheep) into nominating two weak candidates....and by playing up issues of race, etc. And it has been all about ratings for the networks the whole time (from the time that the Obama/Clinton matchup was first introduced and played up as a possibility 2 & 1/2 to 3 years ago until today).

    An example of the damage done to Obama can be seen in polling data...and it is showing in a big way. Whether it holds or not remains to be seen...but the negative results seem to be holding 2-3 weeks after the Rev. Wright nonsense. Obama had been leading by wide margins in Indiana...and he was leading on a consistent basis for several weeks. But after the negative gutter racist politics of Clinton.... the poll in Indiana has flipped the opposite way...with Clinton enjoying a nice lead. The swing was 15-20 points.

    This says a lot about the impact of playing on the fears of White Americans.....poorly educated and prejudiced white voters in particular.

    At the end of the day... I don't believe that Obama is electable in a General Election....and he probably won't win. He may not even win the Democratic nomination now that Florida and Michigan are probably out of the picture (at least for now). This will leave the decision to the so-called Superdelegates. Losing the nomination may be an act of mercy for Obama and his followers. Polling indicates that voters would support McCain over Obama...and Clinton over McCain (again...Hillary's dirty racist campaign has started to pay off).

    Clinton is likely to finish strong in the remaining contests on the back of her race baiting & scorched earth campaign...and this may make the Supercrooks... I mean the "Superdelegates" doubt Obama's chances.

    To put it plainly....America is too sick to elect a Black candidate to the Presidency of the United States. Sick meaning- too racist, xenophobic, ignorant about politics & civics, ignorant about Democracy, nationalistic, controlled by fear, manipulated by the media, uneducated about other cultures & the experiences of others within the borders of this Country...let alone in Countries thousands of miles away, blind about religion.... etc etc etc etc.

    In the end, race & how comfortable voters personally would feel having a beer or having dinner with a particular candidate may prove more important than the candidates positions on actual issues. In American elections... this personal "feel good" test tends to carry the day over all else. This is what American elections have come down to....and it has been this way for quite some time. This is how George W. Bush can lose three straight debates....but still win re-election. Americans preferred George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan because of how well these men wore their boots and their cowboy hats...more than any plan they offered or policy that they supported.

    Americans make up one of the dumbest electorates of any modern nation on the planet.

    I'm quickly moving towards a "shelter in place" bunker mentality.... more of a survivalist mode... gathering everything that I need for "SHTF Day" (whenever that day comes)...when the House burns down. I am realizing that I can do nothing to stop the inevitable demise of this country.... that an Empire descending from grace is just a natural thing...and there is nothing that anyone can do about it. I can do nothing to impact (not in a meaningful or significant way) the politics of this Country... especially in a Country where there is no real Democracy to speak of.

  2. Well Obama won, so "The Angry Independent" was wrong on that... Though I have some more comments/responses to some of the stuff he said:

    The Angry Independent: "To put it plainly....America is too sick to elect a Black candidate to the Presidency of the United States. Sick meaning- too racist, xenophobic, ignorant about politics & civics, ignorant about Democracy, nationalistic, controlled by fear, manipulated by the media, uneducated about other cultures & the experiences of others within the borders of this Country...let alone in Countries thousands of miles away, blind about religion.... etc etc etc etc."

    Well I'm not an expert in politics or civics (for example, I don't know how they themselves would prevent a *Black* person from getting elected -- that sounds more like racism to me) but I'm not racist, xenophobic, afraid of the world, and very skeptical of media. Thought not *expert* with other cultures I nonetheless am more interested in them than the one here actually which looks boring and silly by comparison.

    Yet I did not vote for Obama. Actually, I didn't vote in the election at all. Because both candidates were imperialists in one way or another. Obama was too, because he wanted to, and is now going on with, continuing militarism in other countries, such as Afganistan and Pakistan. That's as imperialistic as Iraq, I think.

    If there was a Black candidate, or a candidate of any race, that actually wanted to STOP the Empire, I would've voted for them. Ron Paul came close but I didn't like his stance on environmental issues (and ecology comes before economy, I think), though given the graveness of the imperialism problem (which I think is one of the biggest reasons along with bigotry against other people and cultures (note that "ignorance" of them itself is not the whole problem -- we cannot be expected to know in detail the hundreds of cultures around the globe -- it's bigotry and prejudice that are the problem and getting rid of these does not mean one must know every culture though more knowledge helps) that America is hated and reviled around the world) I may have voted for him but then he dropped out of the campaigns, and so I decided not to bother. Just more imperialism or do-too-littles.

    The Angry Independent: "I am realizing that I can do nothing to stop the inevitable demise of this country.... that an Empire descending from grace is just a natural thing...and there is nothing that anyone can do about it."

    Good. We shouldn't HAVE an Empire in this country. The USA was made to be a REACTION AGAINST Empire (the British Empire). The sooner we lose the empire the better. If it hurts, well it was our folly that made it so. It would be best to dismantle the empire right now but nobody wants to do that. A controlled disassembly of the empire would be much less painful than a forced collapse but it looks like, as you say, that the forced collapse is the way it's going to be. Maybe afterwards America will be reborn as what I think it ultimately must become: a light to promote peace in the world (as in really promoting peace, not this stupid hypocritical "peace from war" BS that we're doing now which we like to *call* promoting peace), not a dark monster to terrorize and boss around the world. I don't think America will vanish, but I do think its Empire will and must and *its* end will be something good and when it is finally gone that will be a day to celebrate.

  3. Regarding Obama and the election (people just won't leave my comments alone).... I made these statements before the financial crisis. I was frustrated with Obama's sagging Poll numbers. He had the Primary win pretty much locked up....but he was losing at the time in head to head matchups with McCain in States that he needed to win in November. Plus, Faux News was in full attack mode against Obama....doing everything it could to derail his candidacy... From Jeremiah Wright to labeling Obama a terrorist. I was suffering from Faux overload... not to mention the nonsense that Clinton was resorting to (Republican tactics for example).

    It wasn't looking good.

    Obama's victory didn't become a slam dunk until September, when Bush began his final act... by taking the country over the cliff. It was then ...and only then, that the majority of Americans collectively (at the same time) were able to see & realize how destructive the Bush era had been....and they ran as far as they could from McCain....who had been attached to the hip of Bush.

    Before then... McCain had been polling pretty well.... even in States where Democrats should have been favored (Florida, Penn., Nevada, Virginia, etc). (and yes...race was a factor.)

    We are seeing how race is still impacting Obama in very interesting ways... with the teabaggers, the birther nuts, etc. These kinds of reactions & protests would not be occurring the way that they are if Obama were a white male. So in that sense.... my observations about Obama, race & the electorate have actually been vindicated & confirmed to some degree. I expected all of these crazy groups to crop up.

    And I can agree with you that the U.S. is still embracing militarism...
