Monday, December 17, 2007

Obama 'Willie Horton' Watch - Back to the Muslim Smear Today

From Marc Ambinder:

Speaking on CNN tonight:

BOB KERREY: "It's something by the way I have told Barack Obama when I've met with him. It something that I've spoken about before. So this is not something that just sort of came out of the head birth out there in Iowa. I've thought about it a great deal. I've watched the blogs try to say that you can't trust him because he spent a little bit of time in a secular madrassa. I feel quite the opposite. I feel it's a tremendous strength whether he is in the United States Senate or whether he's in the White House, I think it's a tremendous asset for him.


You can be naive if you want to be. But then, I'll be telling you that you're a fool. It's all part of a coordinated effort. Remember now, not one, but TWO people have had to quit for spreading the Madrassa LIE in the Clinton campaign. And now, they have Kerrey talking about it.

If you can't see a hit job when it's in front of your face, then I feel bad for you. It's marching orders from Hillary and Company.

Cross-posted at BrownIowa


  1. They have also been spreading nasty e-mails claiming that Obama is a Muslim terrorist.


    What's worst is that there are some mindless Americans who might actually believe it. And that is all that the perpetrators are really hoping for.

  2. Which is why it's obvious that Kerrey is part of a coordinated SMEAR. Isolated incidents only remain isolated incidents will they are ISOLATED.

    When you get more of them, it turns into a PATTERN.

    Connect the dots.

  3. Why is it that when Huckabee is attacked for his decision to release a CRIMINAL and this CRIMINAL kills someone those who point this out are not tagged as "haters" or racists......because the KILLER WAS WHITE.

    But when we get to Willie Horton a KILLER who DID THE EXACT SAME THING....but he was BLACK - it is the PERSON WHO PROMOTED THIS FACT that is charged as a RACIST?

    Go figure!!

    About 7 months ago a leftist GA State Rep who is like "finger nails on a chalkboard" to my sensibilities told her radio audience about her offense regarding the RACIST state Republicans showing a video in the legislative chambers of a BLACK MAN who SHOT A COP IN THE FACE AND KILLED HIM as a backdrop for their push to reform the death penalty in Georgia. (Making it more streamlined so that these type of KILLERS can be given their just due).

    She ranted for about 30 minutes about how RACIST it was to use a BLACK MAN as a reference of who deserves to DIE as a result of his actions.

    I called in and confronted her. She never once mentioned on her show that THIS KILLER WHO WAS BLACK shot this POLICEMAN/FATHER/HUSBAND/UNION MEMBER/CIVIL SERVANT IN THE FACE AND KILLED HIM DURING A TRAFFIC STOP.

    It is funny how things work in the high stakes game of racial gamesmanship. Isn't it?

  4. It goes both ways CF,

    I hear what you are saying...

    However, the reason why the image or backdrop issue is offensive to some is because of the way that Black males are stereotyped to begin with.

    The "Black male" represents a certain level of negativity just by default. It sends the message that ALL Blacks are a certain way...when we know that this is not the case. It may be different...and your point would be a lot stronger if we were all on an even playing field when it comes to images and stereotypes...but we are not. Negative messages and negative undertones are heavily weighted against Black people.... Blacks as a whole are held to account for the negative behaviors of a portion of the racial group.

    No other ethnicity has to deal with that kind of dynamic.

  5. CF,

    I'm going to get you even more upset.

    The reason why the parole thing hasn't SUNK Huckabee yet, is BECAUSE THE GUY WAS WHITE.

    Sort of takes the sting out of Flipping Mitt's commercial.

    Call me cynical, but there it is.

    If the guy he had helped was BLACK, the commercial would have sunk Huckabee by now.

    WHich is also why I don't think that the whole ' soft on methheads' thing is going to sink Huckabee either, like Flipping Mitt hopes.

    Meth is the White form of Crack, but, suddenly, folks are about treating addicts, well, like addicts, instead of the ' lock em up and throw away the key' that was rampant during the crack epidemic....I wonder why?

