Saturday, December 01, 2007

More trouble for Rudy

It would be different if the crazed left-wing bloggers were making up stuff on Rudy Giuliani but there is no need. Rudy has his own dirt and no matter how tightly he tries to shut the door on this closet of secrets thing just keep falling out. (I discuss Rudy's ties to terror here.) On Wednesday, a right leaning web site, stated that Giuliani had some odd billing practices for his security detail when he was mayor of New York. One would figure that the Police Department would have been in charge of all of his security and therefore would be billed. Nope. He billed...someone billed obscure NY agencies which in turn billed the Police Department. Why? Who knows? Rudy clearly hasn't answered the question.

This best news is that Bernard (I'm indicted) Kerik has come to Rudy rescue. You can't make this stuff up!


From NYT:

Rudolph W. Giuliani last night called a Web site’s account of his spending a “political hit job” as his campaign struggled to explain why hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel expenses for his mayoral security detail were billed to obscure city offices instead of the Police Department.

Earlier yesterday, a senior aide to Mr. Giuliani defended the handling of the expenses, which were incurred from 1999 to 2001, calling them completely proper. The aide contended that the billing followed longstanding procedures in which legitimate travel expenses for the police detectives were spread among the budgets of various mayoral offices.

Each agency, said the aide, Joseph J. Lhota, a former deputy mayor whom Mr. Giuliani has asked to look into the matter, was later reimbursed by the Police Department. The practice, he said, was put in place to ensure timely payment. (more...)

Countdown with Keith Olbermann video.


  1. Thanks Doc...

    I hope that a good journalist digs deeper into this story. It also deserves a criminal investigation.

    Unfortunately it is not getting the kind of media attention that it deserves. That's likely because Rudy was the media's choice...and this story is inconvenient for the networks. They so badly wanted to portray him as this 9/11 hero...

  2. The media really doesn't do investigative journalism any more. You can't script where the information will lead you. So...
