Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why I Don't Support Hillary Clinton

Jack Turner of the Jack & Jill Politics Blog, has done a three-part series outlining why he cannot support Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Nomination. These are well thought out posts.

Here are the links:

Why I Don't Support Clinton - Part 1 - Abandoning Friends and Principles

Why I Don't Support Clinton - Part 2 - No War for Polls

Why I Don't Support Clinton - Part 3 of 3 - Two Clintons Too Many

I make no bones about it that I'm a Barack Obama supporter. But, even if he weren't in the race, I'm also clear that I'm not voting for Hillary Clinton, and believe she's the only way that the GOP can win in 2008.


  1. Anonymous5:31 AM

    What about Kucinich? Isn't he the best of all the candidates?

  2. The inference that I am able to make about certain Black folks who hold a certain ideological position is best detailed by their reverence for Dennis Kucinich.

    First we have the praise for Kucinich
    Is Kucinich A Blacker Candidate Than Obama?

    Then we have my rebuttle
