Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pat Robertson to Endorse Rudy Giuliani

Pat Robertson Endorses Rudy: Deems Him 'More Than Acceptable to People of Faith'

Pat Robertson, one of the most influential figures in the social conservative movement, announced his support for Rudy Giuliani's presidential bid this morning at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

Robertson's endorsement of Giuliani is a significant blow to Mitt Romney, who has worked hard to court evangelical leaders. Robertson's support was coveted by several of the leading Republican candidates and provides Giuliani with a major boost as the former New York City mayor seeks to convince social conservatives that, despite his positions supporting abortion rights and gay rights, he is an acceptable choice as the GOP nominee.

Rest of article is here.

Ok, you want to roll like that, Rev. Robertson?

Then, here's how it's going to go.



Not when you are supporting a man who:

Brought his WHORE into the HOUSE with his WIFE AND CHILDREN.

Has on the payroll a PRIEST accused of MOLESTING CHILDREN.

Not one mumbling word from any of you Bible Thumpers about MORALITY or VALUES.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately this makes it more likely that Giuliani will win the Republican Nomination.

    He has a good chance of winning the General Election.

    If he does.... Americans will eventually wish they had George W. back. A Giuliani Administration will make Bush & Co. look like angels.

    And yes... the hypocrisy of this is unbelievable.
