Tuesday, November 06, 2007

John Edwards Beginning to Distinguish Himself From Hillary Clinton

John Edwards has recently come out against a blanket program, supported by New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, to issue drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. It is clear that Clinton doesn't understand the possible security risks involved in such a plan, let alone the fact that it helps to support illegal immigration. Clinton's program would also go against the Real ID program.

Now we could consider some sort of special license for guest workers and students, but it should be tied to their visas. And I could support the idea as part of a comprehensive immigration reform plan. An actual New York drivers license establishes legal residency and gives an illegal immigrant access to all sorts of services, including airports, financial services, etc.

I guess Hillary has forgotten how the immigration system and domestic services were exploited by Terrorists in the months and years before 9/11. Would the lack of official State ID prevent another 9/11? Probably not. But the idea is to provide as many layers or barriers as possible to prevent another major attack. Perhaps tight ID rules would provide another opportunity for terror suspects to be disrupted or caught. The Clinton/Spitzer program has all sorts of ramifications, both domestically and on the international front.

Most Americans are clearly opposed to such an idea...and Edwards may have given himself a boost by making his position clear. And he was careful not to say that he was not open to other workable alternatives or that he was against immigrants or immigration (As Republicans so often do). Some criticize Edwards and say that he flip flopped on this issue because he supported something different in 2004, however, that is not flip flopping in my opinion. Several years have passed and things change over time. Edwards is evolving as good politicians have always done. Showing the ability to evolve and change over long periods is a sign of a smart politician who can adapt to new realities and to the needs and concerns of the people they serve. Flip flopping on the other hand is someone who says one thing and within a few weeks or months says something completely different...trying to respond to opinion polls.

Here are a few other issues where Edwards is beginning to distinguish himself from Clinton.

I don't really care for either Party... I see both as evils. Choosing from the current pack for independents involves making the least painful choice.
But I would love to see an Edwards/Obama ticket....although Obama has pretty much stated that he wasn't interested in the VP spot.


  1. Check out this great new attack ad on Hillary at thirdrailradio.com

  2. We've already posted that video.
