Thursday, November 01, 2007

Iraq or Else: Diplomats To Be Forced to Take Iraq Duty

One Diplomat described Iraq as "a potential death sentence" during a State department meeting about possible mandatory Iraq duty. Apparently there is a shortage of volunteers for the new $700 million dollar U.S. Embassy in Iraq (surprise surprise) and therefore the State Department is planning to force diplomats and other staff to relocate to the Country. That news has made State Department employees furious. Watch Video.

This just rips the facade off of the Bush Administration efforts to provide a rosy picture of Iraq. When State Department employees are up in arms about going, then that is an indictment of the current conditions in Iraq and the Bush Administrations effort to gloss over the realities there. It's the same thing that was behind Congressman Charles Rangel's argument to bring back the draft.... all of a sudden when all of America is forced to bleed and die, people will snap out of their coma's, pay more attention, and raise Hell. This is essentially what is happening at the State Department right now. For the last 5 years, the Bush Administration, including the State Department, has been spinning Iraq as a success story...almost as if they created their own reality and were in their own little world. At the same time, we all could see with our own eyes, how bad of a Hell hole Iraq was; although recently the security situation has shown some real improvement. But now when it is their turn to go, they are coming back to reality and are raising Hell. Interesting. So in a way...they are not buying their own spin.

Perhaps these career workers were raising Hell or showing concern about the Iraq situation all along behind the scenes, we will never know the full extent of the dissent. But this is certainly an indictment of the Bush Administrations policies.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Where do they get off thinking they are better then the men and women in the armed services over there.Do you think they WANT to be there,but the go any way.I am sure there living conditions are not as comfortable as the diplomates will have.HOW dare they think they are better then the men and women serving there.
