Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment

Olbermann To Bush: "You are a Liar" ... "You Have No Remaining Credibility On Iraq"

This was one of the more enjoyable "Special Comments" that I have seen from Keith Olbermann. He tells it like it is...and spills the beans on the Bush Administrations intentions regarding Iraq. Although those beans have been spilled for a while (with the Downing Street Memo, documentaries, and all of the other revelations). It's just that the American public has grown to accept it rather than fight it. No revelation seems to get the people up in arms anymore because there have been so many that it has become "the norm". The public has even grown to accept the Iraq war itself; it's almost as if they are getting used to it...perhaps they feel so helpless to change anything that they are accepting this as the "new normal".

In a way, this is what Bush & Co. wants the public to do- to "get used to it" or comfortable with it as the "new normal". Once this phase sets in, it will be easier to convince the American people that U.S. troops will have to be in Iraq for decades. The government already knew this fact years ago (as I have been pointing out on this blog). But it now appears that Bush & Co. is finally getting around to convincing Americans that this will be the case. But all anyone had to do was follow the building of the permanent U.S. bases in Iraq.

Hear an NPR Report on the book "Dead Certain".


  1. I was cheering him on. It's good to get the truth. I recorded it and will send it to my sister.

  2. Olbermann is the only commentator who isn't afraid to speak his mind against the foolishness in Washington DC...

    All others seem to be more concerned with being Politically correct....They are afraid of offending the President.
