Friday, August 10, 2007

Obama On Cover of VILE Magazine

Obama doesn't win any points from me by gracing the cover of VILE Magazine. In fact, it makes him look even less appealing to me, and he has probably lost some points. But then again, I was never going to vote for him anyway. I don't care for any of the Democratic candidates... The Democrats represent the lesser of two evils; and in a larger context, both parties represent a broken, undemocratic political system. But if I were to pick a Democratic candidate who should get the nomination and challenge the Republicans in the General election, my pick would not be Barack Obama.

This kind of pandering to the Hip Hop/Thug culture only works to solidify my non-support.

This is why there will never be a Black President... certainly not in my lifetime. First, Black popular culture (which I cannot stand) makes it more difficult for a Black candidate to win, because in order for him/her to gain "Black" support, they are almost forced to pander to the same degenerate Pop Culture that has done so much damage to the Black image in recent years (from within). And secondly, such pandering just feeds into the fears of White voters who may be on the fence.

Rap/Black Pop culture WILL NOT improve as long as African Americans continue to embrace it & coddle those who perpetuate its damaging images and decrepit value system.


  1. Ouch!
    In a society which worships Commercialism and Capitalistic values in all races of people. This is what we get. You play the cards you are dealt or you fold and throw in you hand.

  2. Obama is officially off my list pf folks I will pull a lever for in November. Hell I might have to write in a candidate.

    His defense of child molester Genarlow wilson. Repeated describing statutory rape as "consensual sex". Trying to recast Wilson as Steve Urkle and what happened in that hotel room as a scene out of Romeo and Juliet (completely glossing over what happened to the 17 year old let alone the 15 year old) is an Obama-nation as far as I am concerned.

    And he won't even have an intern write a statement about the lack of coverage of one of the Dunbar Village gang rape, worst hate crimes committed against a Black women in recent history?

    Obama has declared which side he is on and it ain't Black women's. Hip Hop heads don't vote, WE DO!

  3. I never heard his comments about Wilson... I will have to search for it later.

    I'm still a little blown away (but shouldn't be surprised) about the NAACP's response to you.

    That will definitely be a blog topic here in the coming days or weeks.

  4. Genarlow Wilson should NOT be in jail for consensual sex. He was stupid enough to be videotaped, but it was consensual sex.

  5. rikyrah in the state of Georgia, 15 year olds can't consent to having their ears peirced let alone having sex.

    He knew full and well that 15 will get you 20.

    He broke the law. You might not like it, but that is what he did. That is why he is behind jail. THAT is why he is going to eventually lose his appeal and his refusal to admit his wrongdoing will probably be why he serves the full ten years.

    Don't try to throw the statutory rape laws under the bus just because you do not like the result.

    the term "jail bait" , means something.

    Was the gang sex with the 17 year old passed out on the bed "consensual" as well? Stop drinking the Koolaid. What happened in that hotel was exploitation and violation.

    The stat. rape laws recognize that teenage girls are idiots who are susceptible to the influences of older boys and men.

    BTW will you atleast admit that videotaping a 15 and 17 year old engaged in sex acts is CHILD PORN?

    When the state gets through with him, the feds will be waiting to pop him on kiddie porn. You just wait.

  6. AI,

    I got Obama on a YouTube Clip defending wilson and he did it again at the SCLC convention.

    Folks need to be careful about leaping onto bandwagons. You end up hitching your horse to the wrong one.

  7. Relating back to my earlier comments in part. "You play the cards you are dealt..." Obama is not anyones savior and this field of candidates are beholden to much more than the average person cares to know about. As far as Mr. Genarlow and here again another misguided Black youth is gobbled up by our judicial system. Not to say the teenage girl was NOT the victim of Mr. Wilson's, I have not read many of the details of this case. What I wonder is if the "act" wasn't videotaped would he still be in jail?
