Thursday, August 02, 2007

Dianne Feinstein's Betrayal on Southwick Nomination

Southwick approved by Judiciary Committee

With the help of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca.), appellate court nominee Leslie Southwick won approval Thursday from the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He was passed out of the committee on a 10-9 vote, giving Republicans a victory in what had become an increasingly bitter struggle over the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals seat in Mississippi.

In case you don't remember Southwick, here's a part of his judicial past:

The current nominee, Leslie Southwick, in his former capacity as a Court of Appeals Judge, affirmed the judgment of the state employee appeals board to re-instate a white female state employee who called a black female co-worker a “good ole nigger.” The racist rationale is that this behavior is somehow not serious enough to warrant immediate termination.

What good are Democrats when they vote like this?

Another post for reference:

Stop Judge Leslie Southwick


  1. Angry:

    Why is it that a judge who reeinstates an employee who called a Black person an offensive name a terminal offense to you but the many judges who have allowed KILLERS OF BLACK PEOPLE out of jail on a routine basis (as they too are often Black) does not raise the same ire in you or the other leftwing activists who are fighting this nomination?

    Do you ever step back and apply a rule of PROPORTIONALITY upon your general direction?

    For example - take a look at this factoid with respect to unsolved homicides - them being disproportionately Black.

    Why is it that seemingly certain leftwing Progressive organizations set the tone for you and others to follow.....all the while you who follow never seem to weigh THE OTHER IMPORTANT issues to Black people that THEY DON'T TALK ABOUT?

  2. You will have to address this to co-blogger Rikyrah. I will let her answer. She authored the post.

    I see you were not paying attention (as usual).

  3. Constructive Feedback,

    I have to go to out of town this weekend, but I'll get back to you about this.

  4. Why is it that a judge who reeinstates an employee who called a Black person an offensive name a terminal offense to you but the many judges who have allowed KILLERS OF BLACK PEOPLE out of jail on a routine basis (as they too are often Black) does not raise the same ire in you or the other leftwing activists who are fighting this nomination?


    Come on. Killers routinely let out of jail? Aren't you not applying a rule of proportionality.

    You don't believe that there is a Prison Industrial Complex, so me arguing with you that, possibly, if the jails weren't full of non-violent drug offenders, then possibly they could keep the murderers in jail longer. You will never hear me defending killers or violent criminals - if I didn't believe the death penalty was applied disproportionately against Black people, I'd be all for it.

    Why is it that seemingly certain leftwing Progressive organizations set the tone for you and others to follow.....all the while you who follow never seem to weigh THE OTHER IMPORTANT issues to Black people that THEY DON'T TALK ABOUT?

    Why is it either/or with you? Why can't it be and?

    Why can't I be outraged, that someone, who has been chosen to uphold the law and evaluate it, impacting upon others and their grievances, shows that he completely disregards an entire portion of the population?

    I am as disgusted with Black on Black crime as anyone. Have you found anything that I've written that would indicate to you otherwise? I live in the Black community, and know that the possibility of me being a victim of a crime perpetrated by someone who looks like me is great.

    I believe we do try and talk about issues pertaining to the Black community. It was one of the reasons why I became a blogger.
