Saturday, June 02, 2007

Will Gordon Brown Pull His Troops Out of Iraq?

Reports have indicated that the next British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, will push for a withdrawal of British troops. Brown, who was a skeptic of the Iraq fiasco, will take power in just a few weeks. He has since denied reports that he plans a fast pullout of troops, but whether fast or slow...many agree that there will be a change in direction for Britain once Brown takes power.

This would be a potentially crushing blow for Bush & Co., at least symbolically. Britain has been the strongest supporter of overall U.S. policy in Iraq. While most other major countries of the coalition have moved most or all of their troops out, Britain has remained loyal.
British troops patrol Southern Iraq, in the area in and around the city of Basra- Iraq's second largest city.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Crushing blows only count if they cared. At this point we aren't going on reason or logic. That is what is so frightening.
