Tuesday, June 12, 2007

So How Did The Senate Vote On Gonzales?

The 7 Republicans switching was interesting....but what I found even more interesting was the group of Senators that did not vote at all... see list below.

The 53-38 roll call Monday by which the Senate voted against considering a no-confidence vote on Attorney General Alberto Gonzales. Sixty votes were needed to bring up the resolution.

On this vote, a "yes" vote was a vote to proceed with the resolution and a "no" vote was a vote to block it.

Voting "yes" were 45 Democrats, seven Republicans and one independent. Voting "no" were no Democrats, 37 Republicans and one independent. Present denotes those who voted they were "present" at the time of the vote but did not vote yes or no on the issue.

Voting Yes

Lincoln (D)
Durbin (D)
Pryor (D)
Akaka (D)
Inouye (D)
Boxer (D)
Feinstein (D)
Bayh (D)
Harkin (D)
Salazar (D)
Carper (D)
Nelson (D)
Landrieu (D)
Collins (R)
Snowe (R)
Cardin (D)
Mikulski (D)
Kennedy (D)
Kerry (D)
Levin (D)
Stabenow (D)
Coleman (R)
Klobuchar (D)
McCaskill (D)
Baucus (D)
Tester (D)
Hagel (R)
Nelson (D)
Reid (D)
Sununu (R)
Lautenberg (D)
Menendez (D)
Bingaman (D)
Clinton (D)
Schumer (D)
Conrad (D)
Dorgan (D)
Brown (D)
Smith (R)
Wyden (D)
Casey (D)
Specter (R)
Reed (D)
Whitehouse (D)
Leahy (D)
Sanders (I)
Webb (D)
Cantwell (D)
Murray (D)
Byrd (D)
Rockefeller (D)
Feingold (D)
Kohl (D)

Voting No

Lieberman (I)
Sessions (R)
Shelby (R)
Murkowski (R)
Kyl (R)
Martinez (R)
Allard (R)
Chambliss (R)
Isakson (R)
Craig (R)
Crapo (R)
Lugar (R)
Grassley (R)
Roberts (R)
Bunning (R)
McConnell (R)
Vitter (R)
Cochran (R)
Lott (R)
Bond (R)
Ensign (R)
Gregg (R)
Domenici (R)
Burr (R)
Dole (R)
Voinovich (R)
Inhofe (R)
DeMint (R)
Graham (R)
Thune (R)
Alexander (R)
Corker (R)
Cornyn (R)
Hutchison (R)
Bennett (R)
Hatch (R)
Warner (R)
Enzi (R)


Stevens (R)

Did Not Vote

McCain (R)
Dodd (D)
Biden (D)
Obama (D)
Brownback (R)
Coburn (R)
Johnson (D) (out w/ illness)


  1. Even if everyone who didn't vote had voted yes, it still would have only been 59. But, somehow, I have a hard time seeing McCain, Brownback and COBURN (??) voting yes.

    Glad you broke it down like this

  2. My Senator unfortunately didn't vote. He will not vote on this issue, he is running for Prez...

  3. I should have said one of my senators (Obama) didn't vote, while the other (Durbin) voted yes. My junior senator I think has been told to play this moderate conservative role.
