Friday, June 08, 2007

Immigration Bill - So far, No Dice

The disastrous Immigration Bill met its demise, for now, when the Senate was unable to get the votes it needed for cloture.

This bill, which would have granted amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens, all the while NOT securing America's borders or ports. It had allowances in it that would have hurt the American worker, both blue and white collar.

I'm not sorry to see it go down, though its supporters vow to fight on.

We do have an illegal immigration crisis. But, this bill wasn't the solution, because I didn't believe the premises upon which the bill was shilled.

When the Congress decides that it's serious about this, and is willing to have open hearings on immigration, coupled with informing the public about the true COSTS of immigration, and decide to seriously PROTECT America's borders and ports..

MAYBE, the American people will be willing to listen and support 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform'.

But, this bill wasn't it.

Reference Posts:

Immigration Update - Microsoft CEO & HB-1 Visas

The Immigration Bill & Its Threat to White Collar Workers

National Security & This Immigration Bill

Proposed Immigration Bill & The Black Community

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't all that happy with this Bill either.

    1. It didn't have strong provisions for going after employers.

    2. It didn't do enough to strengthen security at the borders.

    3. It allowed too many people in.... I thought that they should reduce the number for the guest worker program...and allow a few more in based on the need. But I didn't want so many that it would begin to interfere with American workers...etc.

    4. The point system could be a source of discrimination.

    5. The fine was too high. The fine should be between $500 & $1500 and the immigrants should be able to pay it in installments.

    The idea that people will come out of the shadows and pay $5000 was insane. Many of these folks are indigent. This would only cause them to stay underground...and the problem would never be solved. This would defeat the whole purpose of the Bill.

    The problem with this part of the Bill is that you have rich men in DC writing it... but it requires someone who understands real life... Members of Congress have been detached from real life for so long, that they can't relate to what an immigrant has to go through...what a migrant worker has to go through...or what the average American worker has to go through for that matter.

    Hopefully they will go back to the drawing board...and hopefully they will involve more people who understand the issues and who could write a good Bill.

    The Republicans are happy that this failed... They never wanted an immigration Bill in the first place. They are trying to protect their cronies in the corporate world who rely on the illegal labor. American business wants to keep the status quo.... so that they can have the cheap labor.

    But SOMETHING has to happen... things can't stay the way they are...

    It is unrealistic to think that the U.S. can arrest and deport 12 million people. That isn't going to happen. So this Bill had a good general vision. They just need to make some changes to the different provisions.
