Saturday, June 23, 2007

Had Enough of Negative Rap Music?

The publisher of African American Opinion has decided to take a stand against demeaning and violent music. He says he is taking a stand against gangster and other forms of negative rap music.

Inspired by a recent post by fellow AfroSphere Blogger, Gem at What About Our Daughters and her report on the efforts of faith based leader, Rev. Micheal Pfleger in Chicago, he has decided to reach out to the larger community to say enough is enough.

He plans to place 5 strategic billboards like the ones in Chicago into 5 urban areas of America, including Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Detroit, Baltimore , and Los Angeles.

His blog has now partnered with to raise funds to place the billboards in those cities. All funds raised will go directly to the advertising effort. He is urging other bloggers to place one of his widgets on there website or blog to assist in the effort.

The African American Opinion blog publisher says, "If all goes as expected we plan to make it a national effort, to have billboards in every urban area throughout America urging our youth to boycott rappers who degrade our young girls and women, excite violence and disgrace our communities."It's time to "Do the WRITE thing." Rev. Micheal Pfleger a respected Chicago faith leader has stepped to the plate, African American bloggers need to follow his lead.

To obtain a widget to place on your blog or website, just go to the widget on African American Opinion blog and click copy. Then copy and paste the information onto your sidebar.

You can contact African American Opinion publisher via email at: for more information or visit our ChipIn website at:


  1. I want to put up the widget, but I have a suggestion, lower the $20,000 amount. Just my opinion, but I think the online effort needs a small victory first before moving on. So perhaps start with one billboard in a city with a large African American population. Then people will see what is possible, in the same way St. Sabina's made us see what was possible and then go from there. I could be wrong of course, but I've been very successful with "little" victories. JMHO and you don't need a ton of billboards to spawn more. You just need one picture to spread the word and then others in other cities will jump on board.

    It is not a criticism, just a suggestion.

  2. Gem, Good Suggestion, Will do!

  3. Okay well since you took my first suggestion so well, here is a second one.

    You need to find FIVE people, ya mama, cousins, play cousins, other blogger friends and get them to donate by 8 PM Sunday night. Monday is the biggest blogging traffic day ( at least for moi) people are going to be more willing to give if they see other people giving. If you get $50 (total)AND more than five contributors by 8:00PM tonight, I'll give you $10. If you get $100 AND more than ten contributors, I'll give you $20.

    Second, shorten the time period for the collection. Make it July 6th. Create a sense of urgency.

    Third, contact your good blogger friends and ask them to temporarily put up the widget until July 1st. Most people will sacrifice some page space for a week.

    I want this to succeed because if it does then Watch Out World.

    So get on it. Time is-a-wasting!

  4. I hope the billboards catch on nationwide.

    Hopefully all of these prominent and wealthy African Americans who say they are against this... will put their money where their mouths are.

  5. I'll take the challenge, G-e-m2001.
