Sunday, June 03, 2007

Congress Investigating Voter Fraud

Is The Trail Leading to the White House?

According to Greg Palast, the investigation could be widening, to include senior Bush Co. Officials. Pick up the story from The Daily Kos.


  1. Greg Palast is terrific. He's definitely the kind of journalist that we need these days...a real truth teller. And, I do think the truth, though stuffed under the carpet all these years, is beginning to seep out, pile by pile.

  2. [quote]Greg Palast is terrific. He's definitely the kind of journalist that we need these days...a real truth teller.[/quote]

    Greg Palast is far from a "truth teller".

    He picks and chooses the "truth" that he wishes to report upon.

    I have watched several of his documentaries (I watch Link TV and listen to Pacifica - though I am far from a Black Progressive).

    This man goes into a journalistic journey with a certain outcome in mind and then cherry picks the facts to lead to his conclusion.
