Monday, June 25, 2007

Black Women's Roundtable Discussion

Here is another great discussion from The Black Women's Roundtable, the podcast for the blog What About Our The podcast is geared towards combating negative images of Black women in popular culture....

The title for this show is: "From the Screens to the Streets" - panelists discuss the efforts of the National Congress of Black women and the impact of the D.L. Hughley protest in Ft. Worth Texas; a protest that I mentioned here a week ago. Activist Eddie Griffin discusses the Ft. Worth protest. Dr. E. Faye Williams- Chair of the National Congress of Black Women, is also on the show.


  1. I listened to half of it before I had to leave. It was great hearing Mr. Griffin, and the rest of them.

    It was my first internet radio broadcast, but I can't wait for the next one.

  2. rikyrah, you gotta come on the show sometime. I am always looking for guests.

  3. Beautiful site. Thanks for the kind and supportive words, rikyrah.
