Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Missing U.S. Soldiers in Iraq

Blogger Shaun Mullen of the Moderate Voice is keeping up with the case of the missing U.S. soldiers in Iraq from his site, Kiko's House.

When will American politicians learn that they cannot freely invade other nations, dominate life in foreign lands, and impose Democracy & Western culture on others?


  1. Shaun here from Kiko's House.

    Thank you for helping keep this story alive.

    We can remember the soldiers as well as remembering, as you note, that we just never seem to learn from the past.

  2. No Problem Shaun. This is a big story... I have been trying to follow it, but there has been so much other craziness going on... I didn't get around to posting sooner.

    But I have been reading the posts at the Moderate Voice.
